Remote VLC remote controller (via telnet)

I think the setting under settings>system>network>HA URL or IP address is telling tts what to use. I’m using a FQDN taking precedence over IP because its set. Sorry im not able to be more helpful.

I’m also using node-red to call the play_media service, specifying my own url to my own media files. It appears HAs built in tts derives the url from the settings mentioned above.

In the long run if you plan moving HA out of your windows VM then hopefully a single nic will make more sense. Im running mine on a vmware server. Hope you’re able to figure it out!

Here is a way to use vlc_telnet with iPads that I am sharing here in case it helps others with a similar problem: the iPad version of vlc doesn’t have a telnet interface to support hass control through vlc_telnet. One workaround is to simply use an iPad vnc client to mirror the pi desktop and then run vlc on the pi. Unfortunately the frame rate through vnc is a little slow.

An alternate method is to use an ipcam viewer on the iPad with a vlc mjpeg stream on the pi. Vlc_telnet can then switch between the pi vlc mjpeg camera sources without transcoding. You can also setup a hass dashboard as if it was another camera. To do that I ran a second instance of vlc to screen-capture the output of the pi’s browser into an mjpeg stream.

Here is the vlc command to capture the browser as a fake mjpeg camera:

cvlc screen:// --quiet --screen-fps=1 --sout \

…and here is the vlc command to switch between that and other camera streams with the vlc_telnet integration:

cvlc --quiet --intf telnet --telnet-port 4212 --telnet-password hass --sout \
'#http{mux=mpjpeg,dst=:8889/webcams.mpjpeg}' --sout-keep

Hass sends camera or dashboard url’s through the play_media command. The iPad cam viewer points to http://(your pi):8889/webcams.mpjpeg. End result: I have iPads displaying full frame rate security cams under hass control with very little overhead. The only downside is that the hass dashboard is strictly view-only since it is acting like a camera stream as well.

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