Removal of GPIO support

So I bit the bullet, got a d1 mini, a few jumper wires, a micro usb power adapter, a 10k resistance and a prototype board.
Got my four ds18b20 back online today and I’m back to monitoring ac and gas furnace performance.
It’s not the prettiest thing and probably will need to get a case but it works

After update core to 2022.7, the custom components stopped works :frowning: again, do you have any additionall tips, to be able to use DHT22, BME280 and mcp23017 components?

Here is the solution to RPI GPIO problem.

Is this a new version? It looks like the only thing which changed is the manifest.json file.

I used the manual install, not HACS, so if something changed I’d have to copy down the new one. I’m not even sure where I should be looking to learn if a new version was available.

You can watch the addon releases page on its repository.

Version 2022.7.0 of the addon has been released on June 30, 2022.

I don’t really understand a lot of these changes. Not just with this integration; they all seem to have very cryptic changes. For example, when it says “bumped to version xx,” what does that really mean? Just the version number changed, or was there some dependency change?

Sorry to ask such a basic question, but I never know if there’s some functionality I should be testing, or if I can ignore those kinds of entries.

In that release:

  • Bump version to 2022.7.0 means that the version number of the integration has been changed (upgraded from 2022.6.0 to 2022.7.0).

  • Bump RPi.GPIO to 0.7.1 indicates that the RPi.GPIO dependency has been upgraded. Its own release notes are, per the description of the pull request:

    • Better RPi board + peri_addr detection (issue 190 / 191)
    • Fix PyEval_InitThreads deprecation warning for Python 3.9 (issue 188)
    • Fix build using GCC 10 (issue 187)
    • Fix docstrings to not include licence
    • Remove Debian/Raspbian stretch packaging support
    • Use setuptools instead of distutils
    • Added detection of Zero 2 W
    • Tested and working with Python 2.7, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10

Unfortunately, it takes some experience to read release notes when an addon integrates other packages.


But, it’s good to know there’s active development going on. Thank you!

A few months ago prior to 2022.6, I loaded hacs rpi_gpio into my custom components folder and updated my config file. My GPIO has worked fine until today when upgrading to 2022.7.6.

Additionally, my check configuration gives

Platform error binary_sensor.rpi_gpio - Requirements for rpi_gpio not found: [‘RPi.GPIO==0.7.1a4’].

Is the hacs integration now broken?

Is there something more needed than copying the custom components folder and updating the config file?

I have also updated by copying the files in hacs rpi_gpio from github to my customer components folder. No improvement.
Also, looking to install hacs instead of doing this manually, I don’t see a hacs on the devices and integrations page (after restart). is HACS still a thing?

I got that same (and many more) errors with the rpi_gpio integration after updating to 2022.7.6.

I went back to Github and pulled down the most recent version, and replaced the existing rpi_gpio directory in custom_components with that one. I then did a cold boot of the hardware. I’m not sure which step resolved the problem, but it started working immediately after that.

I also noted that there was a directory called __pycache__ in the old rpi_gpio directory which of course was gone when I replaced it with the new one. (Actually, I just moved the directory elsewhere, in case I had to restore it,) As it turns out, a new __pycache__ was created after HA started anyway.

I haven’t had good luck with HACS so I’ve just been installing things manually.

Two things help:
Update rpi gpio to version 2022.7.0
1 Remove rpi gpio in yaml config, restart HA and re-add rpi gpio to yaml config
2 Restart the host

That worked. Thanks!

Hi, I have the same issue.
HA Version core-2022.7.7
rpi_gpio 2022.7.0 installed

I have removed the rpi_gpio configuration in the Yaml file, restarted, reinserted, and restarted but it’s not working after the last HA update.
Was working the last week, and I noticed a very high CPU temperature, more than 100° and I’m not sure if it’s a raspberry pi 3 plus issue.
The configuration is valid but I have the following errors after restart:
The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:

-rpi_gpio [Show logs]

Can someone help me?

Thank you.

Have you tried the second method: reboot the host ?

Out of all idiotic decisions HA team made and continues to make, this is the greatest one yet. I am out of here, I have to give up on home assistant and transition to node red. I was able to build half of what I needed in NR in a fraction of the time I spend on HA, only to find that with each “upgrade”, something else breaks.

These 6 months long threads where everybody is bitching about the latest breakage and are trying to convince the maintainers not to break things anymore are hilarious if you look at them from afar! :slight_smile:

Wishing you good luck,
One less HA developer

probably the most unpopular decision yet lol, I happened to use all raspberry pins and without them in the logic half of the systems will not function, I have still not upgraded to the version that does not contain rpi gpio, I even prepared the new config, made backups, but feel like this should be started in the morning and not afternoon :)) Home assistant still rocks, we’ll survive this also, I have tried to use it many times in the past but in the last year or 2 it has really taken off, when I saw node-red directly in the same installation I was very happy, more are to be added, as long as it is kept stable and in all I;ve tested it is, then this software will be soon the be-all in home/small business automations, fingers crossed.

It’s just a custom Rpi GPIO integration now. You can use that and not be stuck on some old version.

jumping on that tomorrow, I expect to have to reconfigure all automations, node-red and other places the switches and sensors are used, I kept same name but added unique_ID, I know now it works, but had to read around to be sure and also find the time, I have 200 plans and time and energy for 2-3 yet upset I am not closer to 100 already :smiley:

If you use a custom Rpi GPIO integration downloaded from HACS, nothing changes for you, it’s just a copy of the native integration that has been removed.