Remove "(mean)" text in statistics graph

Is there a way to remove “(mean)” text in statistics graph if i have min, max and mean shown (which i do like the look of)?

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I had the same question. Did you manage to find a solution for this? Thanks.

[EDIT] There is a long thread here => Option to hide "min/max" legends in the statistics graph - #26 by evlo

Card-mod thread - 1st post - link at the bottom - styles for statistics graph - how to replace labels

@Ildar_Gabdullin are you referring to this?

The code refers to .label. How about if there are multiple labels and you want to remove (change) from all labels?

Then add a corr. pseudo class to EACH label element.
Check other my examples containing nth-child. Cannot give you a ready code, far from any PC.

Option to hide "min/max" legends in the statistics graph - #22 by evlo this? But I do not like that solution