Remove Menu Items


Does anyone knows how to remove Items on te left menu? Just like they do in it only shows overview and developer tools.


In your config.yaml file, remove (or comment out) the lines:

hassio: (if you are running hassio)

I donā€™t have those items, I remember having them in an old Hassio instance but Iā€™ve got a fresh install.

they are surely there if they are showing up in the GUIā€¦?

You may want to ssh root into your HASSIO box, go to /config/.storage and rm the lovelace fileā€¦ then restart. Those items may be residual from your last setup.

This is my config:

name: Casa
latitude: !secret home_lat
longitude: !secret home_lon
elevation: 2523
unit_system: metric
time_zone: America/Mexico_City
customize: !include customize.yaml

  • type: homeassistant


Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)


mode: yaml

Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.





Weather prediction

  • platform: yr

iOS Companion




  • platform: darksky
    api_key: ***************************

Text to speech


  • platform: google

Zonas de detecciĆ³n


  • name: Home
    latitude: !secret home_lat
    longitude: !secret home_lon
    radius: 100
    icon: mdi:home-map-marker

  • name: Work
    latitude: !secret work_lat
    longitude: !secret work_lon
    radius: 200
    icon: mdi:domain

  • name: Customer1
    latitude: !secret c1_lat
    longitude: !secret c1_lon
    radius: 250
    icon: mdi:domain

  • name: School
    latitude: !secret lf_lat
    longitude: !secret lf_lon
    radius: 250
    icon: mdi:school

Luces Led


  • platform: flux_led
    automatic_add: True


host: 192.168..
username: ******
password: ******
ip_port: 25105
hub_version: 2
- address: 4A6A6C
cat: 0x10
subcat: 0x16

 - address: 3705E0
   cat: 0x10
   subcat: 0x02
   product_key: 0x000049

 - address: 448821
   cat: 0x00
   subcat: 0x1B

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml

Sorry for thatā€¦ I didnā€™t put it in the right coding way

Doesnā€™t matterā€¦ I get itā€¦ so anyway, try doing suggestion mentioned above.

remove default_config: section

1 Like

Thanks to both of you guys, that worked!

ah yes, I forgot about that recent addition to the config, until jortegamx posted it

Iā€™m sorry to bring this thread back from the dead but somehow thereā€™s my menu item showing, I donā€™t know if it was the latest update which has the ā€œgroupsā€ feature. Do you know how to remove it from an HTML or backend code?

So, I am interested in hiding the ā€œMapsā€ section, too. It seems like the only way to do that is to comment out the ā€œdefault_config:ā€ line.

In version 0.100.3, that means that the Logbook, the History, and the Configuration sections disappear from the left menu, as well. I am able to manually turn on the Logbook and the History sections (with ā€œlogbook:ā€ and ā€œhistory:ā€, respectively) - but I cannot seem to turn on the Configuration section (nor can I navigate to ā€œhttps:///configā€ and get to that functionality.

I have tried both ā€œconfiguration:ā€ and ā€œconfig:ā€. The former throws a notification error, and the latter bricks the initialization. Thankfully, I had installed the SSH pluginā€¦

Does anybody know how to get the Configuration section to show up, when the ā€œdefault_config:ā€ is removed or commented out?


1 Like

with default_config: removed, you should use config: # Enables configuration UI to get the Configuration menu. If itā€™s ā€˜brickingā€™ the install then there is something wrong such as still having the default_config in there or some indentation issue. The config checker should tell you what the issue is, always run this before restarting HA.

1 Like

Thanks, @sparkydave. I actually fixed it, a couple of days ago - and typed the reply below (but never pushed the ā€œreplyā€ buttonā€¦ Doh!

On a suggestion of a helpful other member of this community whose name I forgot (in the chat), I tried again - this time placing the ā€œconfig:ā€ tag as the very first item in the configuration.yaml. Not sure if I fat fingered it yesterday (or the order does actually matter) - but now I am able to pick and choose from the config sections to include (or exclude) per the config integration documentation.


Hi, Is there any way to remove menu items just for user access but admin can have all menu items?


That I would also like to know

Itā€™s not yet possible to remove all items. But we can do custom Lovelace interface can modify visibility to different users.


Yes, I discovered the back door to adjust the menu items:
Now this only works while logged in.
At the top left where you collapse the menu - you get your mouse from the right of the words ā€œHome Assistantā€ and drag to the left. Another menu option becomes visible and you can select which ones to delete and add. The ones deleted may be down the scroll.
Core Version
Newest Version


Had a moderator say this was introduced ā€œages agoā€. ā€œAlrighty then!ā€