Renault ZOE, My Renault and My ZE Online

Many thanks :slight_smile:

new range entry is called battery_autonomy

I have a Renault Captur E-tech Plug In Hybrid and I only have 4 entities (fuel quantity, mileage, location and fuel autonomy) available after integration.
Is there any way to get the battery status, charging and other electric components available for the hybrids?
Also, is there a way to trigger the heater for the car from Home Assistant?

@Develon1000 I suggest that you open a discussion on and we can look at the functionnalities available for plug-in hybrids.
In particular, take a look at this doc:

You can also enable debug in Home Assistant

  default: error
    renault_api: debug
    custom_components.renault: debug

And then provide your traces on If you do that then I can use the traces to adjust the API calls.

Have you solved?
I have the same car na dI’ve got only 4 sensors as well.
In nprevious versions of the component i ahd all the plugins.

Sorry, I’ve not found a fix yet.

I’ve grabbed some info from the log though which I’m going to provide to someone with deeper knowledge than myself.

Hopefully that can help them to patch this problem.

I’ve provided @epenet with the log, but it also seems like the last update to version 3.0.8 might have solved the issue.
I’m at least seeing 14 entities where I previously saw only 4.
Gonna try it out later today.

@scapman / @Develon1000 thanks for the logs.
As stated it should be all ok now in v3.0.8

Regarding the heater/HVAC, I suggest that you take a look at this page to configure a switch with a script:

If you wish to know why the hvac was, you can review the discussion on:

Hi @epenet , Since a few months I am the proud owner of a Zoe R135. I found your integration for ‘My Renault’ in Home Assistant and would be verry pleased to be able to use it.
Unfortunately, i was not (yet) able to get it working.

I installed the files as described in GitHub - hacf-fr/hassRenaultZE: :red_car: Renault ZE sensor for home assistant and tried to install the Integration via Configurations :: Integrations :: + Add Integration, and the being presented with a pop-up menu:

But when i fill-in my credentials for the My Renault website, i’l get the Invalid Credentials.

Alternatively, I tried to fill in my configuration.yaml:

# Renault ZOE     
  - platform: renaultze
    name: <My Licence plate number>
    username: !secret renaultzoe_login
    password: !secret renaultzoe_password
    vin: !secret renaultzoe_vin
    android_lng: nl_NL

I do not know what to enter by k_account_id, but in the description i read i couls leave it empty.
BTW, of cource i entered the relative entries in secrets.yaml. The entries i used are the same i use for access the My Renault website.

One other thing i noticed there is an other integration: GitHub - hacf-fr/renault-api
I am not dure what is the relationship between the two. So i tried to install it as well. but i do not know whet to do with it…

Would you please be so kind and walk me through the installation and configuration steps for the integration?

Kind regards,

The credentials for Renault website are different from the credentials for the phone app.
Please first make sure that the official Renault app is working on the phone, and then try with those credentials.

@epenet , Yes you are right. I found my current Pw of the iPhone app in the settings and that worked.
Thank you for comming back on my question.

Regards, Bert

I have a Zoe 50 and after reading the docs + github its my understanding that AC cant be controlled for Zoe 50 - is that correct?

Still I cant find if Renault: charge_start can be used for this model. I tried to make a service call but couldnt make it to work. Is the model supported?

I configured this integration with new Twingo Electric. Most of sensor seems ok, some seems duplicated or not necessary, other not reliable like bettery temperature always at 20. The battery level goes to 100% using the car, strange. Position of car is saved in HA or I can see only last one? Many thanks to all developers!


Here is my config for the Renault Zoe.

I noticed that there is now a core Renault integration.
However it seems to be missing the devicetracker for locating the car.
Is there a reason this is missing from the core version?

Do I just stick with the custom component version for now ?



Until the follow-up PRs are merged, then you might be stuck with the custom component:

If you feel up to it, you can review and comment on the PR

Thank you.
I’d found those PRs after, so happy to stick with the custom component until it’s all merged in.
Appreciate your work on it !

All merged in - but not in time for 2021.9.
It will be for 2021.10 or you can use the HA developement version in the meantime.

I have been looking forward to the devicetracker and assumed when I upgraded to 2021.10 I would find it as one of the entities associated with my car but it didn’t show up. Then I noticed I was still using the custom component, so I deleted it and added the integration from the UI but it still shows as being a cusom component in the integrations UI and I still don’t see the devicetracker entity. I must be doing something stupid, so could someone tell me what it is?

What type of car do you have? Not all vehicles provide it.
If it wasn’t available in the custom component you won’t have it in the core component either.