Reolink E1 Zoom and/or Pro in HA

I’m thinking of maybe buying one of these (E1 zoom) but this thread worries me a little? Is there a reason none of you are using the HACS integration?

2 reasons for me were that the HACS integration doesn’t support the E1 Pro (guess it needs a webui-enabled model) and that at the time I just didn’t want to enable custom components.

In the meantime I have ended up using HACS for its Govee component, but the first reason still applies :slight_smile:

The HACS option should be fine for the E1 Zoom, though.

More than a year since the OP, and still helping folks like me easily add their E1 Pros to HA. Thanks for that!

I’ve tried ESPEYE-based cameras (abysmal frame rate and terrible picture quality), USB webcam with a Pi3 (decent quality, but fairly laggy), and most recently a Wyze Cam v2 with the Dafang Hacks custom firmware (not bad, and definitely the best so far), but was holding off on the Reolink because of router support for blocking devices.

With the addition of a new router, and the ability to block the camera from accessing the Internet, I picked up a couple of E1 Pros, and had the feed, PTZ, and presets going in short order.

Thanks, @johnflorin for the nice writeup!

One note on the Reolink app…while it’s possible that I misconfigured something on the new router, I’m fairly certain I’ve blocked the E1 Pro from the Internet completely, and the Reolink iOS app and Windows app both work fine. I’m able to control the camera, set presets, etc. Maybe something changed after your initial experience?

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I haven’t installed the mobile app since then, so yeah, it’s possible they updated it to look for the camera locally, like the Windows app was doing even then…

Thanks for the kind words and glad the writeup is of help, as many other writeups on this forum were for me :slight_smile:

On installing the E1 Pro using the app but keeping it private: I was able to install the E1 Pro on a private subnet, by keeping the app on the same subnet and never “crossing the streams”, so to speak. It was a pain, but possible.

The places you can run the app:

  1. on an Android phone, connected via USB ethernet dongle to the private subnet
  2. on a Chromebook/Chrome OS, which allows running Android apps, also using a USB ethernet dongle
  3. on Android running in a Virtual Machine, such as on Proxmox

The first two options are the most convenient, but are not great in terms of maintenance. The third option is harder to set up, but allows such things as remote administration. It’s an okay option if you’re already running VMs.

I wrote up the third option here: Running the Reolink App in a virtual machine on a private subnet

I run HAOS in a VirtualBox VM on Ubuntu, so another VM wouldn’t be a big deal. I’ll have a look at your writeup, thanks.

Haven’t segmented my HA and sensors/devices/switches onto a separate VLAN yet, but it’s on my list now that I have a router and firmware that can support it.

Anyone know if there’s a limit on the number of presets you can have with the Onvif integration? The first 5 presets I set up for one of my cameras work just fine, but the 6th will not trigger from my HA Lovelace card. Same syntax as the rest, just bumped the preset number by 1.

The 6th preset works fine in the Reolink app, just not from HA.

EDIT: No sooner do I post this then I tried restarting HA, and now it’s working. I thought I’d already restarted, since I do so somewhat frequently when adding new things, but appears that if you add presets AFTER adding the Onvif integration, you may need to reload the integration for them to get picked up…testing again confirms that a full restart of HA is not needed.

Also, if you edit an existing preset, no reload is needed. Appears that once Onvif knows the preset exists, it can call it regardless of the position that preset targets.

Hello, currently it doesn’t work on HA version 2022.9.4. It’s working so good on previous versions. Is that only my issue?

Home Assistant 2022.9.4
Supervisor 2022.08.6
Operating System 9.0
Frontend 20220907.2 - latest

Is the whole integration broken, or one particular camera?

What’s actually broken and what does the error look like?

Works fine over here on 2022.9.4…what do the logs say when you try to view the camera?

It’s working now after I restarted the cameras. That’s only my mistakes.

Is it somehow possible to see the recordings from the SD-Card inside Home Assistant or will I have to open up the app each time?

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Hi, with the new integration released today, does this make things easier for reolink? i am looking to buy a E1 pro zoom and wondering about the integration.


Doesn’t seem so, at least at the moment, the E1 series is not in the list of supported cameras for the new integration…probably worth a shot, though :slight_smile:

I’m trying to add a couple of E1 Pro cameras and I’m still not able to do it. On the other hand, the E1 Zoom was added easily, though I don’t see any sensor for motion detection just yet.

I have a E1 Zoom and confirmed it works and added it to the docs as a supported device. There is nothing in the docs about motion detection, I wouldn’t assume that they will be available based on the current docs. Just my read of things though.

Currently only the camera platform has been added to the integration. Binary sensors and all may be added in a future release:

Now only the camera platform is implemented.
Follow up PRs will implement binary_sensors (motion, people, vehicle. pet, doorbell detection), switches etc.

Montion detection binary sensors have been added and will be available next week with HA 2023.2

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Unable to connect to port 8000 with the E1 Pro using the HACS Reolink, ONVIF and MotionEye. Any ideas?

I figured it out … I was using the mobile app to configure and I cannot find any option to configure RTSP, ONVIF, etc. (I maybe running blind). Download the windows app, there are more options and these can be enabled.


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