I think I have a rather specific problem with repeat until logic.
My automation looks as follows:
alias: Fenster offen!
description: ''
time: -5
timedelay: 5
- platform: state
- binary_sensor.req0542232_state
- binary_sensor.req0542255_state
- binary_sensor.req0542235_state
- binary_sensor.req0542213_state
- binary_sensor.req0542146_state
- binary_sensor.peq0569322_state
from: off
to: on
condition: []
- repeat:
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 5
milliseconds: 0
- variables:
time: '{{ time + timedelay }}'
- service: input_text.set_value
entity_id: input_text.message_title
value: Fensterwarnung
- service: input_text.set_value
entity_id: input_text.message_text
value: >-
{{ trigger.from_state.attributes.friendly_name }} ist seit {{ time
}} Sekunden offen.
- service: script.send_message
- condition: state
entity_id: "{{ trigger.entity_id }}"
state: off
mode: restart
max: 20
… as you can see, I am trying to accomplish a window open warning, which can be triggered by either of my windows opening.
I would like to repeat this message (ideally displaying the correct time for how long it is already open) with the stop condition being the closing of said window. However, when I am trying to save the code above, I get the error message that the entity_id is invalid: “Message malformed: Entity {{ trigger.entity_id }} is neither a valid entity ID nor a valid UUID for dictionary value @ data[‘action’][0][‘repeat’][‘until’][0][‘entity_id’]”.
However what I don’t get is why the friendly name of the trigger can be evaluated, but the entity_id cannot.
Could anybody help me please? I also searched this forum, but I couldn’t find a solution. I think my problem is that I have mulitple triggers…
The State Condition’sentity_id option wants a valid entity_id described as a string but got this {{ trigger.entity_id }} which is a template. Not all options support templates.
Thanks a lot for this input, this works like a charm!
The only thing missing now is the accurate tracking of time.
Still I have the problem that every message it resets the variable “time”. Is there any way to avoid the resetting of the variable, when being inside the repeat until?
Thanks a lot for the support This is what I have been missing with other home automatisation softwares
The automation is triggered when one of the six binary_sensors changes from off to on and stays on for at least 5 seconds. The automation’s action uses a repeat - while to report the window is open every 5 seconds. It computes the elapsed time by simply multiplying repeat.index (a variable that is automatically incremented for each loop) by 5. The repeat - while iterates as long as the binary_sensor’s state remains on and ceases when it changes back to off.
Thanks a lot for the support.
I will try this solution this evening, but the code itself looks as it might work!
I did not know that I can access the repeat.index - this is of course much better than my solution!
I think this topic can be closed - again thanks for the support
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Sorry to open up this topic again.
Your solution works very fine, has, however a fundamental flaw - or maybe this is a general flaw of my overall approach: If two consecutive windows have been opened, i.e. the automation has been triggered once by one entity, and another enitity triggers the automation, the first automation will be overwritten, i.e. I will not receive any more message about the first opened window…
Is there any way to avoid it?
I noticed that when I revised your automation but I left the mode as restart because I thought that’s the way you wanted it to work (the notification for one binary_sensor is superseded by the next binary_sensor). If you want all notifications to occur concurrently then, yes, you must change the mode to parallel.