Replace Hassio with Hassbian?

This is a installation directly on the PI. No Docker containers here :smiley:

If you used the Hassio image it is installed in docker.

Your Nuc installation is based on an other Linux distro than the The latter is a compact distro without apt-get install or pip3 install

OK. So there might be a Docker deep down there, but it has not come to my attention :smiley:, until now…?

I used his install package: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and B+ 32bit (recommended)

My main goal would be to be able to run apt-get install or pip3 install

Hassio runs on Docker. Period.

No. HassOS is the distro. Hassio is a set of docker containers

For what purpose though? What do you need those commands for? What applications? In a docker environment, you use Docker images, you don’t install things directly.

Creating your own local build hassio addon is actually not that difficult. There aretutorials on the HA homepage.
e.g. I created one recently in a few hours to run ink to get printer ink levels and send via mqtt.
Basically you start with a blank install of alpine linux (because its so small) and the dockerfile for the addon defines what will be deployed (aka your apt-get and pip3 install).

Of course as others have suggested you can also start with the docker image of an existing application.

I see there are lots of details I did not know. Apologies.
One issue that stops me (as far as I know :smiley:) is related to Apple TV, where it looks like I have to do an install

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev

to get it all to work

If its an official component (which AFAIK aTV is) then all the python requirements should already be in hassio.
As an example I need to use ffmpeg for one of my ip cameras and ffmpeg is already in the hassio homeassistant docker image.

I don´t get it, then…
Why do the Apple TV component state:

“To use this component, you must first install some system libraries and a compiler. For Debian or a similar system, this should be enough:”

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev

And frankly I don´t get the AppleTV entities to work as expected, though they show up in the entities list.

This is documentation related to a python venv install.

If they are showing up as the AppleTV devices, then it’s already working…you don’t need to install anything.

Thank you. I have to go through my script, then.

E.g. I would like to have his condition in an automation to run

- condition: template
      value_template: '{{  states.media_player.apple_tv_1etg.attributes.app_name == "Netflix"  }}' 

It does not return or show the app name in the entity list for that AppleTV

so when you go to the dev-state page, do you see a device called media_player.apple_tv_1etg?

What are the attributes available?

Right now it´s like this:

And Netflix is playing at the same time

state is unknown, and it’s still trying to establish a connection. Check the logs

From my log file

2019-06-05 16:27:06 WARNING (MainThread) [pyatv.tag_definitions] Unknown data: b'103'
2019-06-05 16:27:06 WARNING (MainThread) [pyatv.tag_definitions] Unknown data: b'103'
2019-06-05 16:27:06 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.apple_tv.media_player] A <class 'pyatv.exceptions.AuthenticationError'> error occurred: failed to login: 503

From configuration.yaml

  - host: !secret apple_tv_1etg_ip
    login_id: !secret apple_tv_1etg_login_id
    name: Apple TV stua
    start_off: true

so it’s not able to login. Have you verified your login credentials?

I can see that.
Actually I was playing back and forth some weeks ago trying to get it to log in.
I never got to the credentials part… or got to this info:

So did you go into the configuration page and check out the integrations? Did you get your ID there?

That is for a Home Assistant component which should already be in the homeassistant Docker container from Hassio.

I don’t even see AppleTV there.