Replacement of sonoff devices, need advice

All the bulbs remains powered 24/7 :confused:

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Yep, I’ve followed these guides. My Z2M network uses channel 20 while I underfortunately LOST control on configuring my wifi channel manually since I’ve bought and installed TP-lin deco X50 mesh routers around the house :frowning:

my coordinator is plugged using an extension cable, and put far away from the mini pc running my proxmox/HASS VM instance.

You checked that the sensor registered temperature changes. Is the issue that you get flat graphs with no changes or that it reports unavailable / offline in Z2M?

offline in Z2M
and therefore not reporting anything to HA anymore.

But you said the sensor changed temperature when you blew air on it? Then it isn’t offline. How are the graphs over the last 24 hours looking? My point is that if it changes values but is reporting offline in Z2M the availability should be disabled / adjusted. It means that the time for Z2M to consider the device offline is too low. What’s the last seen value on it? has a good article and yt video on the availability feature in z2m.

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