Bought a Sky Connect recently. My old configuration was a Raspberry Pi4 with a CC2531 stick with Zigbee2MQTT.
I plugged in the Sky Connect, installed it with ZHA. Over a few days, moved all my devices by repairing them to ZHA. Stopped Zigbee2Mqtt.
This all worked perfectly, the connections even seemed faster.
Now I thought, I don’t use the CC2531 stick anymore… so I can plug it out… result was that some devices became unavailable, and I could not pair any device anymore. Rebooted, Hardware rebooted, etc, nothing seemed to help.
Until I plug the CC2531 back in… and everything works again.
Slightly off-topic; Tip! Can convert CC253x sticks into Zigbee repeaters by flashing it with Z-Stack Zigbee Router firmware (then using in a USB-charger for mains-power) so can pair it after that. See ex:
Thanks for your advice, I will try a longer and shielded cable first.
I still don’t understand why plugin out CC2531 stops my entire zigbee network and pluggin it in starts it immediately. While I installed ZHA with my SkyConnect stick…