Replacing CC2531(zigbee2mqtt) with Sky Connect (ZHA)

Bought a Sky Connect recently. My old configuration was a Raspberry Pi4 with a CC2531 stick with Zigbee2MQTT.

I plugged in the Sky Connect, installed it with ZHA. Over a few days, moved all my devices by repairing them to ZHA. Stopped Zigbee2Mqtt.

This all worked perfectly, the connections even seemed faster.

Now I thought, I don’t use the CC2531 stick anymore… so I can plug it out… result was that some devices became unavailable, and I could not pair any device anymore. Rebooted, Hardware rebooted, etc, nothing seemed to help.

Until I plug the CC2531 back in… and everything works again.

What could be causing this?

Probably coincident in combination with interference being the real culprit and reason why can not pair, read and follow → Guide for Zigbee interference avoidance and network range/coverage optimization

Slightly off-topic; Tip! Can convert CC253x sticks into Zigbee repeaters by flashing it with Z-Stack Zigbee Router firmware (then using in a USB-charger for mains-power) so can pair it after that. See ex:

Thanks for your advice, I will try a longer and shielded cable first.

I still don’t understand why plugin out CC2531 stops my entire zigbee network and pluggin it in starts it immediately. While I installed ZHA with my SkyConnect stick…