Report here on your Xiaomi Buttons (WXKG01LM, WXKG11LM, WXKG12LM)

Looking under ZHA It shows as a LUMI lumi.sensor_switch device.

But does it create ant “entities”? does it create anything with an entity_id? Does it generate any events?

Mine creates an entity_id in the states list of “sensor.unk_manufacturer_lumi_remote_b1acn01_23079002_multistate_input”.

But I don’t have any idea how HA is supposed to interact with it.

When I have the zigbee stick in pairing mode (with the button already paired) by going to the “configuration->zigbee home automation” and clicking on “add devices” when I push the button using either a single-click or double-click I can see the events being generated in the bottom window for the button presses.

However I don’t see anywhere else that I can read and react to those same events outside of that screen.

I expected the device to create a “zha_event” that I could interact with but it doesn’t seem that it does anything like that.

Did some more investigation but the only entity created (and visible in the Development Tools section under States) is the sensor.lumi_lumi_sensor_switch_f1234567_power entity. Subscribing to the zha_event returns events on (multiple) button clicks. In automations you can only use the button using the device trigger type.

While trying to pair I also clicked the button numerous times and saw events (and errors) being generated. But that didn’t pair it. Only using the mentioned work-around, pressing the reset button several times during pairing mode (after 5s reset), did the trick for my button.

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I couldn’t get the stupid thing to work with ZHA.

I ended up using the zigbee2mqtt dongle I had laying around from some testing I did last year and got it paired immediately and then after setting up the mqtt sensors in HA it works perfectly now.

Thanks for you help tho.

Dragging up an old thread here… Has any one been able to get the WXKG01LM buttons to work with ZHA? I have a heap of them connected to HA via the Xiaomi Gateway but was wanting to migrate them over to my Conbee 2 stick. I tried a brand new button yesterday but it didn’t seem to link to ZHA properly. I got the device show up but it seemed like many device details were not retrieved by HA so I couldn’t do anything with it. It was then a nightmare trying to remove it from HA so I could try again (had to dive into the storage files)… and subsequently seemed to have broken HA (not starting up now :man_facepalming: )

Since a few days I have a WXKG11LM button. Took me a while to figure out how to use it, as the ZHA integration only saw a power-sensor device.

However the triggers were set-up as well and already usable. The following actions work without any problem:

  • Single Click
  • Double Click
  • Long Press
  • Battery Level

What didn’t work:

  • Device Shake

Hi Raphael,

Could you please provide some information on how you managed to get your buttons working?

I got 2 WXKG12LM buttons but can’t seem to make the work. I am trying with ZHA and a Sonoff CC2531 coordinator but as you said I am only getting a battery entity which is also unknown (no data retrieved).

While the Aqaras are some nice looking buttons, I still prefer my Sonoff SNZB-02 ones which where very easy to install and operate.

Hey HawkMan

The problem was not a technical issue. I assumed that I’d see the button-functions (=triggers) already during the pairing phase - which wasn’t the case. However it was already correctly set up and I could use the triggers in the automations.

I had the issue with the unknown power state as well - re-adding (if necessary multiple times) the device to the zigbee network fixed it for me.


Hey Raphael,

Thank you for your reply. Indeed, after trying to add the button several times, it showed up with all its functions. The battery percentage is showing up and the button shows up all its triggers capabilities in automations (single, double press, hold and shake).

A rather hectic procedure to add it correctly to ZHA but as long as it is working now I am rather happy.

Thank you for this link! I was going mad trying to pair my WXKG01LM switch. After first holding the reset button for 3 sec until the light starts flashing, the key to success was to keep pressing the same reset button repeatedly. Previously I was trying to push the switch itself, which wasn’t working. The first time I tried pushing the reset button, it worked!

Does anyone know if I can have a WXKG11LM paired with zigbee2mqtt controller as well as being paired with xaiomi hub (which is only acting as doorbell sounder)? Or do they have to be exclusively bound?


All devices can only be paired with one controller at a time.

Hmmm, ok thanks. But I should hopefully be able to get HA to instruct the gateway to chime?

are you asking how to get HA to sound the chime on the hub in general (have you already got this basic functionality set up in HA and working already) or are you asking how to get the button to trigger HA to do the action that you already have working?

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Sorry, I didn’t make myself clear.

I currently have the Xaiomi button as a doorbell which activates a chime on Alexa (echo dot), but there is a ~5sec delay which isn’t ideal.

Wanting to have HA sound the chime on the hub instead, which will hopefully have less delay.


Sorry I have no idea how to have HA trigger a chime on the Xiaomi hub.

Does anybody is having problem with WXKG12LM battery drain very fast? I´m using zigbee2mqtt. Change the battery almost 3 times and continuos drain in less than a week.

I got 2 of the exact model with yours paired with ZHA and the battery drain is normal. 3 times in less than a week is waaay too much for Zigbee battery powered devices even under heavy usage. There must be a problem with them. How do you use them?

Thanks @HawkMan, looks like a hardware problem

use this service call in an automation action:

- service: xiaomi_aqara.play_ringtone
          gw_mac: 34xxxxxxxxxx   #PUT YOUR GATEWAY MAC ADDRESS HERE
          ringtone_vol: 20

This works for me and is pretty much instant.

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