No good. This is usually the first thing I try. Besides, what’s that got to do with the data in the history database?
In my configuration.yaml, I want the glucose data for 90-days. I would like the temperature history for a month, but I don’t see any way to separate them. But 90 days is OK there, too.
If I take out the include and exclude, the database grows to over 6gb in just a few days.
What I am getting is, NO saved data for the temperature sensors and only 12-days for the glucose data.
That’s why I am asking if I am using the recorder tool wrong?
No, you are using it as per the documentation. Domain excludes to exclude everything in the domain and entity includes to only include those entities.
However… when writing this I recommended only using includes or excludes. Not both, as I found i could not get the documented logic to work. That post has now been edited away (28 wiki edits) but it was there. Issues were opened and the integration has been updated many times since then but my advice is still the same. The documented logic does not work. Only use includes or excludes.
Then I am confused - are you talking about an entity which is included or excluded from Recorder?
Excluded → no history (except realtime “streamlined”).