Request to bring back YAML - arguments against The Future of YAML

You are right. Aligned with your points. On the sample component I did for PS4, I had to do the following:

  1. Define the PLATFORM_SCHEMA (i.e. define a YAML schema which would validate) [6 code lines].
  2. Document the structure documented on integrations (not done yet).
  3. Adapt YAML structure, to the structure needed by the device (this is independent to the JSON structure) and it is know by the creator as they use those fields from config_entries [~20 code lines].
  4. The tests would be simply making sure that your device has the right values gathered. Everything else is already tested by the other tests.

This obviously requires updates when schema changes, but so does the UI one and the changes should be a handful of lines. I am advocating for breaking changes if you use YAML instead of UI-managed.

I am working on a full view on the solution (from different angles and problems) and I will bring this feedback in. If you want to discuss ideas, let me know.

Thank you.

I have a partially different view.

  1. The integration schema is definitely known to the contributor, as it is the required one for creating the Entity. For example, most of PS4 are found here (some exceptions within init function).

  2. Yes, the config flow stages this in several steps. The important part is that, at the end, you will have all that information. One option to reduce the cost of maintenance of the documentation:

    a. User goes through the UI flow that guides them.
    b. At the end, show the config information. The user can decide to Save (UI-managed) or copy this information to a manual YAML configuration (e.g. UI manage supports Edit on UI, YAML does not).
    c. As such, we only need to say the schema; not document how to obtain them.

This feels like it is integrated here. The attributes are collecting the data of the flow and you can show this data, store it, or do whatever you want with it. My solution would be to show the data in the UI without storing it until the user confirms. This is just a change in the approach UI flow works (ADR agreement), but no extra cost.

This could make sense too. What is important is the overall maintenance cost, and not the individual parts. If we get a word from Contributors that this is the issue, I think it is a fair point.

However, this has not been raised as the issue. YAML, and maintaining both workflows, has. You might be right, I am just wondering if we could get a Core Contributor perspective on it to know where to focus our efforts.

Knowing really what is the real cost here would make a huge difference to come up with a good solution. I did feel the original reasons were not the full picture here.

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