Reset Credentials for Nginx Proxy Manager

I 'am just fell with this problem … I made a quick installation and loose the password I have put in Nginx Proxy Manager… :frowning:

It seem that old installation works with Maria DB but now it works with SQLITE since january 2023.
So the procedure to change the password have change. And I can’t find a procedure which work now

I find this solution > How to reset the login password · NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager · Discussion #1634 · GitHub

But impossible to make the command in TERMINAL in Home assistant

"docker exec -it sh apt update && apt install sqlite3 -y sqlite3 /data/database.sqlite "

I have obtain “command not found” .

Is anyone find a solution which works ?

(I already tried to delete/ re install the plugin but it doesn’t work)

Thanks in advance

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OK, just see the last post of the link I put, I will try and inform you but the new solution seems to be:

For those who, like me have this password issue in Nginx Proxy Manager ADD-ON in Home Assistant, here some information.
1/ First, have a SSH access to your HA server (Advanced SSH & Web Terminal is great with Protection Mode DISABLED !)

2/ Ssh your HA and type : docker ps to find the NPM container name

Welcome to Home Assistant OS.
Use ha to access the Home Assistant CLI.

**docker ps**

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                              COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                PORTS                                                                                                                          NAMES
110c2ac207ed              "/init"                  5 minutes ago    Up 5 minutes>80-81/tcp, :::80-81->80-81/tcp,>443/tcp, :::443->443/tcp                                           addon_a0d7b954_nginxproxymanager
fa23a1250422   homeassistant/aarch64-addon-mariadb:2.6.1                          "/init"                  22 minutes ago   Up 22 minutes                                                                                                                                        addon_core_mariadb
567c019a872f   zigbee2mqtt/zigbee2mqtt-aarch64:1.35.2-1                           "/sbin/tini -- /dock…"   3 hours ago      Up 3 hours  >8485/tcp, :::8485->8485/tcp                      

mine is addon_a0d7b954_nginxproxymanager

3/ Enter the container using docker exec -it addon_a0d7b954_nginxproxymanager sh
Now your are in the container, and NOW you can think of editing the DB… but mysql or sqlite are not installed…

4/ just type apk add sqlite
And now follow ALL the steps (copied from above and adapted)

5/ sqlite3 /config/database.sqlite to open the DB

6/ find your user id (usually it’s 1 because you only have 1 user
SELECT id, email, is_deleted FROM user WHERE email='your-user-email-here'

7/ Change the is_deleted from 0 to 1 (this will force the admin@example - changeme user to be activated
UPDATE user SET is_deleted = 1 WHERE id = 1 (caution, put the id of your user, but usually it’s 1)

8/ NOW, in home assistant, restart the add-on Nginx Proxy Manager and login with [email protected] and changeme

9/ create a new admin user (DON’T FORGET THIS PASSWORD TOO !!!)

10/ logout

11/ Come back to your container via SSH and open the DB again (steps 2 to 5)

12/ Change is_deleted from 1 to 0 UPDATE user SET is_deleted = **0** WHERE id = 1 (if your user id is 1 of course)

13/ Restart the add-on in Home Assitant

14/ Log in with the new admin user you just created
NOW AND ONLY NOW you can change the password of your previous user (look in the Users tab).

15/ logout, and login with your old user and newly created password, and delete the admin user created in this procedure.

Hope this helps

NB: The update NGINX Proxy Manager Add-on (v1) does not rely on MariaDB anymore, that’s why you have to edit the SQLite database inside the NginxProxyManager Container


Just followd your instructions and they worked perfectly. Thank you so much.