REST API command/platform fails on POST to external URL (solcast)

How did you get them to stack? I have your same original problem where the forecast graphs for the three pv_estimates show, but only one historical (not the 10 or 90).

Thank you @tom_l your rest sensor config also fixed the issue for me where the line was wrong from midnight to the 1st data point in the morning.

Now it looks nice:

Screenshot 2021-09-15 at 10.59.25

You need to add extra data points for the historic ones.

Using @tom_l 's config:

- resource: !secret solcast_forecast_resource
  scan_interval: '00:30:00' # RATE LIMIT!
  - name: "Solcast Forecast Data"
    force_update: true
    value_template: "{{ value_json.forecasts[0].pv_estimate|round(2) }}"
    - forecasts
  - name: "Solcast Forecast 10"
    force_update: true
    value_template: "{{ value_json.forecasts[0].pv_estimate10|round(2) }}"
  - name: "Solcast Forecast 90"
    force_update: true
    value_template: "{{ value_json.forecasts[0].pv_estimate90|round(2) }}"

Then the apex chart code:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 36h
  start: day
  offset: '-6h'
  show: true
  title: Solar Production vs. forecast
  show_states: true
  show: true
  label: now
    show: false
  - entity: sensor.goodwe_ppv
    stroke_width: 2
      extremas: false
    color: '#FFF700'
    name: Actual
    unit: W
    fill_raw: last
    extend_to_end: false
      func: avg
      duration: 30min
  - entity: sensor.solcast_forecast_data
    stroke_width: 2
      extremas: false
    color: '#3498DB'
    transform: return x * 1000;
    name: Forecast
    unit: W
    fill_raw: last
    extend_to_end: false
  - entity: sensor.solcast_forecast_10
    stroke_width: 2
      extremas: false
      in_header: false
    color: '#797D7F'
    transform: return x * 1000;
    name: Forecast 10
    unit: W
    fill_raw: last
    extend_to_end: false
    opacity: 0.4
  - entity: sensor.solcast_forecast_90
    stroke_width: 2
      extremas: false
      in_header: false
    color: '#797D7F'
    transform: return x * 1000;
    name: Forecast 90
    unit: W
    fill_raw: last
    extend_to_end: false
    opacity: 0.4
  - entity: sensor.solcast_forecast_data
    stroke_width: 2
      extremas: false
      in_header: false
    color: '#E74C3C'
    type: line
    extend_to_end: false
    unit: W
    data_generator: |
      return => {
         return [new Date(entry.period_end), entry.pv_estimate*1000];
  - entity: sensor.solcast_forecast_data
    stroke_width: 2
      extremas: false
      in_header: false
    color: '#797D7F'
    type: line
    extend_to_end: false
    unit: W
    opacity: 0.4
    data_generator: |
      return => {
         return [new Date(entry.period_end), entry.pv_estimate10*1000];
  - entity: sensor.solcast_forecast_data
    stroke_width: 2
      extremas: false
      in_header: false
    color: '#797D7F'
    type: line
    extend_to_end: false
    unit: W
    opacity: 0.4
    data_generator: |
      return => {
         return [new Date(entry.period_end), entry.pv_estimate90*1000];

Just use the additional 10/90 sensors for historic data and then I guess you already have the additional data_generator sensors to get them for forecast.

1 Like

I’ve added your sensor code, and most things look great. Thank you! Unless I’m missing something, though, there does seem to be one anomaly - the forecast power for the next 24 hours. I’ve attached a screenshot. This was taken at around 18.25 local time. Figures look very sane, except that the figure for the next 24 hours seems to be just double that for tomorrow. There could well be something I’m not understanding here though, because one measurement is energy, and the other power.

Because the data is in 30 minute intervals, the calculation for energy (kWh) vs power (kW) is energy divided by 2.

kWh = kW * h

For 30 minute intervals:

kWh = kW * 0.5


kWh = kW / 2

Got it. Thank you.

Don’t forget to vote for a Solcast integration.

I’m not sure why this template:

  state: >
    {% set ns = namespace (fc_tommorrow = 0) %}
    {% for forecast in state_attr('sensor.solcast_forecast_data', 'forecasts')|default('variable is not defined') %}
      {% set daydiff = as_local(strptime(forecast.period_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f0Z').replace(tzinfo=utcnow().tzinfo)).date() - as_local(utcnow()).date() %}
      {% if daydiff.days == 1 %}
        {% set ns.fc_tommorrow = ns.fc_tommorrow + (forecast.pv_estimate/2)|float(0) %}
      {%- endif %}
    {%- endfor %}
    {{ ns.fc_tommorrow|round(2) }}

is generating this error every now and then:

Logger: homeassistant.components.template.template_entity
Source: components/template/
Integration: Template (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:38:21 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:38:21

TemplateError('TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable') while processing template 'Template("{% set ns = namespace (fc_tommorrow = 0) %} {% for forecast in state_attr('sensor.solcast_forecast_data', 'forecasts')|default('variable is not defined') %} {% set daydiff = as_local(strptime(forecast.period_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f0Z').replace(tzinfo=utcnow().tzinfo)).date() - as_local(utcnow()).date() %} {% if daydiff.days == 1 %} {% set ns.fc_tommorrow = ns.fc_tommorrow + (forecast.pv_estimate/2)|float(0) %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {{ ns.fc_tommorrow|round(2) }}")' for attribute '_attr_native_value' in entity 'sensor.solcast_forecast_tomorrow'

There are defaults in case the forecast is not defined :thinking:

Do we need to change 'variable is not defined' to 0?

I thing None is valid as far as default goes. You might want to add the “true” option, which defaults if the input evaluates to false.

Is anyone here aware of this solcast integration?

@safepay wondering whether you’ve looked into it. Seems to do most of what is implemented in this thread, with the exception of 10/90% probabilities, with the added advantage that it integrates with the Energy component, so the forecast shows on Energy’s solar graph.

Yes. I have been keeping an eye on it.

When it is properly in HACS I’ll install it. (Says it in HACS but it wasn’t last time I looked)

I also want 1/2 hour updates.

It seems to be a little over-zealous with API calls at the moment (there’s an open issue). Someone also says it does 2 API calls every hour, one for live, one for forecast, but I thought the method on this thread did everything in one call. Is that right? Integration doesn’t poll overnight though.

You can install it using HACS by adding its Github page as a custom repository.

I think it does one API call on startup to get history. Seems unnecessary to me as this is about forecasting solar data.

The most recent forecast is the “live” or current one, so one API call at a time is fine.

If you have more than one location, then 1 hour per location would allow updates without exceeding your API limit.

Still an outstanding issue. It seems to make 2 calls an hour, but that’s increasing by an extra 2 every hour, at least for me, so it’s multiplying.

Hi again @safepay. I’ve been running the solcast integration in parallel for a little while now. Its older version, 1.0.5, as described on the thread, seems to be OK with api calls. Looking at its sensors has brought up a couple of issues.

A sensor called energy_production_forecast_today has a fixed value all day. The sensor solcast_forecast_energy_today in the templates above doesn’t. Is it right that it contains the forecast for the rest of today? I’m not sure which approach is the best, or whether the Energy platform on whose sensors you seem to have based the templates dictates one approach over the other.

The template sensors solcast_forecast_energy_current_hour and solcast_forecast_energy_next_hour contain very different values to the integration’s energy_this_hour and energy_next_hour. In fact, they are about half the integration’s values, and the integration’s values seem to make more sense. I can see the templates for these sensors above take the first two “slots” in the solcast data for the current hour, and the next two slots for the next hour, and then divides by two, eg:

  - name: "Solcast Forecast Energy Current Hour"
    unique_id: solcast_forecast_energy_current_hour
    state: >
      {% set ns = namespace (fc_energy_current = 0) %}
      {% for i in range(0, 1) %}
        {% set ns.fc_energy_current = ns.fc_energy_current + (states.sensor.solcast_forecast_data.attributes['forecasts'][i]['pv_estimate']/2)|float %}
      {%- endfor %}
      {{ ns.fc_energy_current|round(2) }}
    unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
    device_class: energy

Given that it is calculating the power for an hour, I’m not sure it should be doing the division by two. Or am I way off here? Thank you.

Hi @Sddawson.

All good points. Let me say first that I am no expert in energy.

You are right that the Rest template sensor is for the remainder of the day. I did get it to work with a fixed value, taken at dawn, for the whole day, but found the value useless as it changes so much during the day. I did this by making a copy of the data at dawn in to another sensor using a script.

I think the long-term forecast values are basically useless for anything other than seeing what the difference is between forecast and actual as a purely intellectual exercise. If someone can tell me how they use those values practically, then fantastic.

In terms of energy vs power, if you have two 1/2 hour power values added together for one hour, you will multiply by 0.5. I am happy to be corrected on this, but that is my understanding.


  • 1 kW over a 30 minute period = 1 * 0.5 = 0.5 kWh (using kWh = kW * h, and 30 mins = 0.5 hours)

So two half hour kw estimates need to be multiplied by 0.5 and added together. (Or divided by two.)

Right now my next two half hour numbers are 3.524 and 4.4904

3.524 x 0.5 + 4.4904 x 0.5 = 4.0072 kWh
8.02 kW

There were errors in the sensors - the each… counts were wrong.

I think I’ve got them right now.

Sorry, what was wrong exactly, and where have you corrected them?

Let me attach some examples (from yesterday) that illustrate my confusion:

From the integration:

From the Rest sensors:

The production is clearly up around the 11kWh mark on the graph (green line is actuals), and was for the whole of this period (no clouds in the sky at all). And yet the Rest sensors show values half of that and those of the integration’s. Maybe it’s just terminology, but it looks to me like the integration’s values line up better with the graph’s interpretation.

What say you?

EDIT: I started this exercise so I could get an estimate of the solar production for tomorrow. I will use this to decide whether to run my pool heater overnight (on off-peak), or during the next day. I’ve been tracking forecast vs actuals, and the figures are good enough for me to use tomorrow’s forecast as the decision point. For me, probably anything less than 50kWh will mean I run it overnight.

Have a look at my earlier post. I’ve updated the last four sensors.

It’s the
{% for i in range(0, 2) %}

Here is all my code:

- resource: !secret solcast_url
  scan_interval: '00:30:00' # RATE LIMIT!
  - name: "Solcast Forecast Data"
    force_update: true
    value_template: "{{ value_json.forecasts[0].pv_estimate|round(2) }}"
    - forecasts
    device_class: power
    unit_of_measurement: 'kW'
  - name: "Solcast Forecast Power 10"
    force_update: true
    value_template: "{{ value_json.forecasts[0].pv_estimate10|round(2) }}"
    device_class: power
    unit_of_measurement: 'kW'
  - name: "Solcast Forecast Power 90"
    force_update: true
    value_template: "{{ value_json.forecasts[0].pv_estimate90|round(2) }}"
    device_class: power
    unit_of_measurement: 'kW'

  - sensor:
      - name: "Solcast Forecast Energy Today Remaining"
        unique_id: solcast_forecast_energy_today_remaining
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
        device_class: energy
        state: >
          {% set ns = namespace (fc_today = 0) %}
          {% for forecast in state_attr('sensor.solcast_forecast_data', 'forecasts')|default('variable is not defined') %}
            {% set daydiff = as_local(strptime(forecast.period_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f0Z').replace(tzinfo=utcnow().tzinfo)).date() - as_local(utcnow()).date() %} 
            {% if daydiff.days == 0 %}
              {% set ns.fc_today = ns.fc_today + (forecast.pv_estimate/2)|float %}
            {%- endif %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {{ ns.fc_today|round(2) }}
      - name: "Solcast Forecast Energy Tomorrow"
        unique_id: solcast_forecast_energy_tomorrow
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
        device_class: energy
        state: >
          {% set ns = namespace (fc_tommorrow = 0) %}
          {% for forecast in state_attr('sensor.solcast_forecast_data', 'forecasts')|default('variable is not defined') %}
            {% set daydiff = as_local(strptime(forecast.period_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f0Z').replace(tzinfo=utcnow().tzinfo)).date() - as_local(utcnow()).date() %} 
            {% if daydiff.days == 1 %}
              {% set ns.fc_tommorrow = ns.fc_tommorrow + (forecast.pv_estimate/2)|float %}
            {%- endif %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {{ ns.fc_tommorrow|round(2) }}
      - name: "Solcast Forecast Peak Power Today"
        unique_id: solcast_forecast_peak_power_today
        unit_of_measurement: "kW"
        device_class: power
        state_class: measurement
        state: >
          {% set ns = namespace (fc_today_max = 0) %}
          {% for forecast in state_attr('sensor.solcast_forecast_data', 'forecasts')|default('variable is not defined') %}
            {% set daydiff = as_local(strptime(forecast.period_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f0Z').replace(tzinfo=utcnow().tzinfo)).date() - as_local(utcnow()).date() %} 
            {% if daydiff.days == 0 %}
              {% if ns.fc_today_max < forecast.pv_estimate|float %}
                {% set ns.fc_today_max = forecast.pv_estimate|float %}
              {%- endif %}
            {%- endif %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {{ ns.fc_today_max|round(2) }}
      - name: "Solcast Forecast Peak Power Tomorrow"
        unique_id: solcast_forecast_peak_power_tomorrow
        unit_of_measurement: "kW"
        device_class: power
        state_class: measurement
        state: >
          {% set ns = namespace (fc_tomorrow_max = 0) %}
          {% for forecast in state_attr('sensor.solcast_forecast_data', 'forecasts')|default('variable is not defined') %}
            {% set daydiff = as_local(strptime(forecast.period_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f0Z').replace(tzinfo=utcnow().tzinfo)).date() - as_local(utcnow()).date() %} 
            {% if daydiff.days == 1 %}
              {% if ns.fc_tomorrow_max < forecast.pv_estimate|float %}
                {% set ns.fc_tomorrow_max = forecast.pv_estimate|float %}
              {%- endif %}
            {%- endif %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {{ ns.fc_tomorrow_max|round(2) }}
      - name: "Solcast Forecast Peak Time Today"
        unique_id: solcast_forecast_peak_time_today
        icon: mdi:clock
        state: >
          {% set ns = namespace (fc_today_max = 0, fc_today_max_time = 0) %}
          {% for forecast in state_attr('sensor.solcast_forecast_data', 'forecasts')|default('variable is not defined') %}
            {% set daydiff = as_local(strptime(forecast.period_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f0Z').replace(tzinfo=utcnow().tzinfo)).date() - as_local(utcnow()).date() %} 
            {% if daydiff.days == 0 %}
              {% if ns.fc_today_max < forecast.pv_estimate|float %}
                {% set ns.fc_today_max = forecast.pv_estimate|float %}
                {% set ns.fc_today_max_time = as_local(strptime(forecast.period_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f0Z').replace(tzinfo=utcnow().tzinfo)).time() %}
              {%- endif %}
            {%- endif %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {{ ns.fc_today_max_time }}
      - name: "Solcast Forecast Peak Time Tomorrow"
        unique_id: solcast_forecast_peak_time_tomorrow
        icon: mdi:clock
        state: >
          {% set ns = namespace (fc_tomorrow_max = 0, fc_tomorrow_max_time = 0) %}
          {% for forecast in state_attr('sensor.solcast_forecast_data', 'forecasts')|default('variable is not defined') %}
            {% set daydiff = as_local(strptime(forecast.period_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f0Z').replace(tzinfo=utcnow().tzinfo)).date() - as_local(utcnow()).date() %} 
            {% if daydiff.days == 1 %}
              {% if ns.fc_tomorrow_max < forecast.pv_estimate|float %}
                {% set ns.fc_tomorrow_max = forecast.pv_estimate|float %}
                {% set ns.fc_tomorrow_max_time = as_local(strptime(forecast.period_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f0Z').replace(tzinfo=utcnow().tzinfo)).time() %}
              {%- endif %}
            {%- endif %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {{ ns.fc_tomorrow_max_time }}
      - name: "Solcast Forecast Power Current Hour"
        unique_id: solcast_forecast_power_current_hour
        state: >
          {{ (state_attr('sensor.solcast_forecast_data', 'forecasts')[0].pv_estimate|default('variable is not defined') + state_attr('sensor.solcast_forecast_data', 'forecasts')[1].pv_estimate|default('variable is not defined'))|round(2) }}
        unit_of_measurement: 'kW'
        device_class: power
      - name: "Solcast Forecast Power Next 12 Hours"
        unique_id: solcast_forecast_power_next_12_hours
        state: >
          {% set ns = namespace (fc_next12 = 0) %}
          {% for i in range(0, 24) %}
            {% set ns.fc_next12 = ns.fc_next12 + states.sensor.solcast_forecast_data.attributes['forecasts'][i]['pv_estimate']|float %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {{ ns.fc_next12|round(2) }}
        unit_of_measurement: 'kW'
        device_class: power
      - name: "Solcast Forecast Power Next 24 Hours"
        unique_id: solcast_forecast_power_next_24_hours
        state: >
          {% set ns = namespace (fc_next24 = 0) %}
          {% for i in range(0, 48) %}
            {% set ns.fc_next24 = ns.fc_next24 + states.sensor.solcast_forecast_data.attributes['forecasts'][i]['pv_estimate']|float %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {{ ns.fc_next24|round(2) }}
        unit_of_measurement: 'kW'
        device_class: power
      - name: "Solcast Forecast Energy Current Hour"
        unique_id: solcast_forecast_energy_current_hour
        state: >
          {% set ns = namespace (fc_energy_current = 0) %}
          {% for i in range(0, 2) %}
            {% set ns.fc_energy_current = ns.fc_energy_current + (states.sensor.solcast_forecast_data.attributes['forecasts'][i]['pv_estimate']/2)|float %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {{ ns.fc_energy_current|round(2) }}
        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        device_class: energy
      - name: "Solcast Forecast Energy Next Hour"
        unique_id: solcast_forecast_energy_next_hour
        state: >
          {% set ns = namespace (fc_energy_next = 0) %}
          {% for i in range(2, 4) %}
            {% set ns.fc_energy_next = ns.fc_energy_next + (states.sensor.solcast_forecast_data.attributes['forecasts'][i]['pv_estimate']/2)|float %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {{ ns.fc_energy_next|round(2) }}
        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        device_class: energy
  - trigger:
    - platform: sun
      event: sunrise
      offset: "-00:15:00"
    - name: "Solcast Forecast Energy Today Predicted"
      unique_id: solcast_forecast_energy_today_predicted
      state: "{{ states('sensor.solcast_forecast_energy_today_remaining') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
      device_class: energy
    - name: "Solcast Forecast Peak Time Today Predicted"
      unique_id: solcast_forecast_peak_time_today_predicted
      icon: mdi:clock
      state: "{{ states('sensor.solcast_forecast_peak_time_today') }}"
    - name: "Solcast Forecast Peak Power Today Predicted"
      unique_id: solcast_forecast_peak_power_today_predicted
      unit_of_measurement: "kW"
      device_class: power
      state_class: measurement
      state: "{{ states('sensor.solcast_forecast_peak_power_today') }}"
1 Like

Right - looks like the sensors were the problem. I must have grabbed them before your latest changes. “Energy current hour” and “energy next hour” now seem to match the graph. Interestingly, “energy current hour” is always exactly the same as “power current hour”. Do you see that too? I guess that is to be expected, since both are figures for an hour. I see you also replaced “forecast power current hour” with “forecast power next hour” (but using the same template). Was this intentional?

Thanks again for all your help.


Power Hour should be double Energy Current Hour (with the intentional name changes!). That’s how it is on mine.

Just watch that you don’t have a spurious /2 in the Power Current Hour Code. (The code above is correct.)

OK - back on track. I clearly had a mish mash of the code, because some older versions did indeed have the /2. So I started over with the most recent. Thanks!

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