I checked this issue: it’s caused by non fully matching postalcode with the given town: 8380 is town Dudzele, while Brugge was set. 8380 is a sub-municipality of Brugge.
I now made a new release (R11.2.5) that would also match town names with the sub-municipality to cover this issue.
It works perfect now. Stored the values of the notification in a input_text and Used this in a script to start the navigation directly when the script is toggled from the android auto app. Maybe this could help someone in the future, so here is the yaml.
For the input text (1for displaying info, 1 for navigating):
alias: Test Carbu
description: Notify when the lowest fuel price is retrieved and update input_text.
- event_type: carbu_com_lowest_fuel_price
trigger: event
conditions: []
- target:
entity_id: input_text.carbu_coord
value: |
Address: {{ trigger.event.data.address }}
action: input_text.set_value
- target:
entity_id: input_text.carbu_info
value: |
Supplier: {{ trigger.event.data.supplier }}
Price: {{trigger.event.data.price }}€
Distance: {{ trigger.event.data.distance }}km
Address: {{ trigger.event.data.address }}
action: input_text.set_value
- data:
message: >-
Supplier: {{ trigger.event.data.supplier }} Price:
{{trigger.event.data.price }}€ Distance: {{ trigger.event.data.distance
}}km Address: {{ trigger.event.data.address }}
action: notify.persistent_notification
mode: single
The script to trigger from the dashboard:
alias: Fuel price Area 5km
- action: carbu_com.get_lowest_fuel_price
fuel_type: super95
country: BE
postalcode: "{{ state_attr('sensor.gsm_benji_geocoded_location', 'postal_code') }}"
town: "{{ state_attr('sensor.gsm_benji_geocoded_location', 'locality') }}"
max_distance: 5
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 15
milliseconds: 0
- data:
message: command_activity
intent_package_name: com.google.android.apps.maps
intent_action: android.intent.action.VIEW
intent_uri: >-
google.navigation:q={{ states('input_text.carbu_coord') |
replace('Address: ', '') }}&mode=d
action: notify.mobile_app_gsm_benji
Thank you for the help and for the great integration.