Rest sensor: State max length is 255 characters

Hello. I am hoping you can help me on this one. I’ve created a template sensor grabbing data from a local calendar event which is over 255 char. The initial creation of the sensor went fine. When it tried to trigger, it has an error in log saying max char 255. Ok fine. So, I have deleted the sensor and the event day that had char over 255.

When I tried to create the same sensor using the same name, I kept getting this char 255 error and the sensor is not visible when I check in developer tools. I can create using a different name, but I wish to continue using that same name. I have tried removing the sensor in core.restore_state and homeassistant.exposed_entities; It keeps returning after a restart of ha and or re creating with the same name in core.restore_state.

      "state": {
        "entity_id": "sensor.units_arriving",
        "state": "none",
        "attributes": {
          "friendly_name": "Units Arriving"
        "last_changed": "2023-06-08T02:32:14.144551+00:00",
        "last_updated": "2023-06-08T02:32:14.144551+00:00",
        "context": {
          "id": "01H2CDHW2014NZSPHK0KD4P00Z",
          "parent_id": null,
          "user_id": null
      "extra_data": {
        "native_value": "Highway: x1 Container [Evergreen, Green Celebrity],\nMIB: x1 Container [Evergreen Green Celebrity],\nEM: x1 Container [Evergreen, Wan Hai 266],\nAndrew: x2 Containers [Evergreen, Wan Hai 266],\nMEL: x1 Container [Evergreen, Wan Hai 266],\nLY: x3 Containers [Evergreen, Wan Hai 266],\nPaolo x2 Containers [Evergreen, Green Celebrity, Wan Hai 266]",
        "native_unit_of_measurement": null
      "last_seen": "2023-06-08T21:15:16.390805+00:00"