RFlink not connected with Hassio by USB

How are you testing your integration? Do you have any sensor or remote that send signals?

The usual suspects are:

  • RFLink sender/receiver not working or bad signal:
    • the onboard led blinks when a signal is received
  • more than one light: and/or sensor: configuration in your yaml
    • look any error trace in your logs

It would help if you can try your RFLink from computer. Just to discard a RFLink problem:

PS: For other users with the same problem, what was the problem with your installation and how did you fix it?

I have the same problem. I can’t see any device being added.

I’m running HA on ODROID n2+.
The Nodo RFlink gateway is recognised in HA and the debug log shows the same data as NiMa008 nick posted.
With RFlink loader in Windows, the serial port logging is responding to kaku switches. The leds are blinking when the remote is operated.
However, in HA, not a single kaku switch (remote) device is added automatically. The leds don’t blink when I operate the switch. And the debug logging of rflink shows no response whatsoever.

What can it be? @NiMa008 Did you solve it?

Have you configured also the sensor and light domains in HA?

This would add automatically any RFLink sensors or commands to HA.
Once the entity_id is known. Configure it in the correct domain (switch, binary_sensor, light, etc) and you can disable the automatic_add setting.