OK thanks. Have some more logs:
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: 20;01;AcuriteV2;ID=ebdf;
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: TEMP=003f;HUM=88;BAT=OK;
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data:
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got packet: 20;01;AcuriteV2;ID=ebdf;TEMP=003f;HUM=88;BAT=OK;
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'protocol': 'acuritev2', 'id': 'ebdf', 'temperature': 6.3, 'temperature_unit': '°C', 'humidity': 88, 'humidity_unit': '%', 'battery': 'ok'}
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_temp', 'sensor': 'temperature', 'value': 6.3, 'unit': '°C'}
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type sensor: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_temp', 'sensor': 'temperature', 'value': 6.3, 'unit': '°C'}
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] entity_ids: []
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] device_id not known and automatic add disabled
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_hum', 'sensor': 'humidity', 'value': 88, 'unit': '%'}
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type sensor: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_hum', 'sensor': 'humidity', 'value': 88, 'unit': '%'}
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] entity_ids: []
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] device_id not known and automatic add disabled
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_bat', 'sensor': 'battery', 'value': 'ok', 'unit': None}
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type sensor: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_bat', 'sensor': 'battery', 'value': 'ok', 'unit': None}
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] entity_ids: []
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] device_id not known and automatic add disabled
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_update_time', 'sensor': 'update_time', 'value': 1580028696, 'unit': 's'}
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type sensor: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_update_time', 'sensor': 'update_time', 'value': 1580028696, 'unit': 's'}
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] entity_ids: []
2020-01-26 08:51:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] device_id not known and automatic add disabled
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: 20;02;AcuriteV2;ID=ebd
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: f;TEMP=003f;HUM=88;BAT=O
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: K;
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got packet: 20;02;AcuriteV2;ID=ebdf;TEMP=003f;HUM=88;BAT=OK;
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'protocol': 'acuritev2', 'id': 'ebdf', 'temperature': 6.3, 'temperature_unit': '°C', 'humidity': 88, 'humidity_unit': '%', 'battery': 'ok'}
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_temp', 'sensor': 'temperature', 'value': 6.3, 'unit': '°C'}
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type sensor: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_temp', 'sensor': 'temperature', 'value': 6.3, 'unit': '°C'}
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] entity_ids: []
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] device_id not known and automatic add disabled
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_hum', 'sensor': 'humidity', 'value': 88, 'unit': '%'}
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type sensor: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_hum', 'sensor': 'humidity', 'value': 88, 'unit': '%'}
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] entity_ids: []
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] device_id not known and automatic add disabled
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_bat', 'sensor': 'battery', 'value': 'ok', 'unit': None}
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type sensor: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_bat', 'sensor': 'battery', 'value': 'ok', 'unit': None}
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] entity_ids: []
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] device_id not known and automatic add disabled
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_update_time', 'sensor': 'update_time', 'value': 1580028744, 'unit': 's'}
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type sensor: {'id': 'acuritev2_ebdf_update_time', 'sensor': 'update_time', 'value': 1580028744, 'unit': 's'}
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] entity_ids: []
2020-01-26 08:52:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] device_id not known and automatic add disabled
2020-01-26 08:52:24 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch] Setup of platform tplink is taking longer than 60 seconds. Startup will proceed without waiting any longer.
2020-01-26 08:52:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: 20
2020-01-26 08:52:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: ;03;Eurodomest;ID=8a5202;SWITCH=00;CMD=ON;
2020-01-26 08:52:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got packet: 20;03;Eurodomest;ID=8a5202;SWITCH=00;CMD=ON;
2020-01-26 08:52:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'protocol': 'eurodomest', 'id': '8a5202', 'switch': '00', 'command': 'on'}
2020-01-26 08:52:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'eurodomest_8a5202_00', 'command': 'on'}
2020-01-26 08:52:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type command: {'id': 'eurodomest_8a5202_00', 'command': 'on'}