RFXCOM - Get ID from OpenHAB installation

I’m converting my setup at home from OpenHAB to Home Assistant and the only issue i have left is that I’m unable get the device ids on my existing dimmers and switches since my RFXCOM is connected to Home Assistant now and can’t listen for the devices, my sensors works but not the dimmers and switches. I tried to dig in to the Python code for it by I’m not familiar enough with the code, yet.

An example of two items i want to convert, both are Ligtning2 AC with the following config: 1.1 and 1.8 are the device identifiers.

Dimmer KitchenTable_Window (LightDimmers, WindowLightDimmers) { rfxcom">1.1:LIGHTING2.AC:DimmingLevel" }

Switch KitchenTable_Shelf (LightSwitches) { rfxcom">1.8:LIGHTING2.AC:Command" }

Have a look here: Rfxtrx ID & Unit code

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Thanks @Danielhiversen - that gives me a bit better understanding of the id, but not sure what some of those data parts are and no clue where I should get them all from…

0b1100 is explained in the linked post so my guess is that for the 1.8 switch above the id should start with:


But the last three bytes, why they are set to “010f60” in your example I don’t get.

I guess it will be easiest for me to re-learn my switches…

But the issue with re-learning is that I don’t have a remote that can give me codes… Catch 22! :wink:

See under Generate codes:


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Awesome support, thank you @Danielhiversen !

I was looking here https://home-assistant.io/components/switch.rfxtrx/ on how to generate a code, and now I understand that there is a templating language and that it generates a code on the page instead of showing the code that should be used :wink:

There is a bug in the documentation, but it will soon be fixed