RFXCOM LightwaveRF DeviceID


i’ve just recently moved from domoticz and loving life with Home Assistant! it’s bought all my smart devices together in ways i never thought! :slight_smile:

however i need help working out the deviceid for my lightwaverf inline relay i’m using for porch light as i can’t easily put the relay into learning mode and pair it with a random deviceid.i don’t have remote or anything to control the relay for HA to listen to and i only have one rfxtrx433e.

needs to be specific one - works using domoticz or rfxmanager - i’ve tried using the deviceidgenerator on github but HomeAssistant logs state the generated deviceid is invalid.

Lighting5 command

Packettype = Lighting5
subtype = LightwaveRF
Sequence nbr = 4
ID = 020201 decimal:131585
Unit = 1
Command = On
Signal level = 0 -120dBm

i don’t really fancy taking the porch light apart to get to the relay if i can help it.

any help much appreciated! :slight_smile:

If you don’t have a remote how were you controlling it before?

not sure about the in line relay, but I have a few wall switches. When I moved from DomotiGa to HA I cleared the memory of the switch then started the pairing process again. This involved holding 2 buttons on the switch and then setting up an arbitrary DeviceID on HA and sending the ON command.
This can also be done via RFXManager (which incidentally you can also use to capture traffic)
LWRF Guide states you need to hold the reset/link button to pair it:

used domoticz or rfxmanager to control it before - i was trying to avoid putting it into learning mode again as not easy to access and read there’s a way to generate the relevant deviceid for hass from the unit_id and code used by domoticz/rfxmanager

The issue is you don’t want to generate a new code (since you don’t want to pair it again) but you want to reuse the code you had set up in domoticz. From this point onwards I can only see 2 solutions : retrieve the code from domoticz if that’s possible or pair the relay worth a new generated code.
Actually alternative solution is to get another rf433 receiver and try to catch the I’d…

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ID = 020201 (decimal:131585)
Unit = 1

is what i used in domoticz/rfxmanager.

good idea with additional receiver, if not just going to have to bite the bullet and put relay into learning mode :slight_smile:

i’ve found this on the forums but not sure how to translate:

and found this:

and this would of been perfect but unfortuantely it generates invalid DeviceID according to HASS :frowning:

worked for my energenie plugs didn’t have to re-pair it just not working Lighting5/LightwaveRF relay :frowning: :frowning:

here are my LWRF addresses:

wall switches (lights)

      name: Kitchen Door
      name: Kitchen Window
      name: Conservatory
      name: Landing
      name: Hallway
      name: Living Room Main
      name: Living Room Wall

sockets / remotes

      name: Dehumidifier
      name: Kitchen TV
      name: LWRF Socket 3
      name: Conservatory
      name: LWRF Remote 1
      fire_event: true
      name: LWRF Remote 2
      fire_event: true
      name: LWRF Remote 3
      fire_event: true

I’m guessing you could try something like 0A1400 020201 0401000070 (without the spaces)
If that doesn’t work try and fiddle with the 3rd block

thanks everyone for replies! i bit the bullet and took porch light apart to get at the relay and stuck in pairing mode and used new deviceid… all working thanks for everyone quick responses!! :smiley:

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