Rfxtrx covers now reversed in 0.78


Since the update to 0.78 all my rfxtrx covers (blinds) are now reversed up is down and down is up!

Anyone else having this issue or have any ideas how to fix?



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Continuing the discussion from Rfxtrx covers now reversed in 0.78:

I have the same problem

Ok I am thinking of using a template cover to call the correct command, i’ll post something later if I get it to work.


New config below, optimistic: false does not work as expected but everything else now works, hopefully they will fix the bug soon


  - platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: false
        name: Bedroom Blinds Control

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Bedroom Blinds'
        optimistic: false
          service: cover.close_cover
            entity_id: cover.bedroom_blinds_control
          service: cover.stop_cover
            entity_id: cover.bedroom_blinds_control
          service: cover.open_cover
            entity_id: cover.bedroom_blinds_control

Experiencing the same issue!

Guessing this is the same: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/16788

Yea looks like it maybe the same issue, just out of interest what devices are you using mine is a Bofu roller bind motor, it may help with the fix.


I don’t know the brand. In RFXmngr I configured Blinds T1 for it.

Ok mine is also Blinds T1

Dooya DM35EW, Blinds T6 in RFXmngr.

I tried to do some research which commit caused this issue but can’t find anything related… :frowning: I am not familiar enough with the code of HA yet.

Has anyone raided this a s issue on GitHub yet?


That’s the same issue I guess?

Yes, this is the same issue.

Maybe @Danielhiversen or @balloob have an idea about this issue?

looks like this is still broken in the latest release, i’d already started a new post before i found this

Yep the work around still works but it’s depressing to see your comment with the 1 YEAR LATER heading… still waiting for a fix.


honestly did not really notice i was so far behind, is frustrating now though, i want to update but i don’t want to have to do a work around to make the latest version work, when the old one still works…

Agreed but it is a minor work around and you are heading towards a major headache when you do decide to upgrade, the have been many changes in the past year and you will have a big catch up to do.
Most of the updates in the last 7 months have broken at least one thing on my system thats needed a small tweak in the config to fix, naming, zwave, emulated hue on the latest release etc etc, which has been manageable one at a time but all at once will be a headache.

Also you may need a Python update!

I think that if the bug has been around for over a year then your only option may be to fix it yourself and then do a pull request.

time to have a do over for the config of 14x blinds in the house, i’d actually already done the RPI python update, then figured i really should just plug it into the main server and use the docker version.