RFXTRX won't recognize Somfy RTS devices

I am trying to add my 4 indoor Somfy RTS blinds and 5 outdoor screens to HA.

I have used RFXmngr on a Windows laptop to connect the USB device to the blinds and I can control them all from their but when I move the device to my HASS based server it doesn’t recognize/add HA devices any of the blinds but does find a smoke sensor (I didn’t even know had a radio).

I have added the following to configuration.yaml:

  device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433XL_DO5OPC9A-if00-port0
  debug: true
  automatic_add: true
    # stuen venstre
      name: "Stue venstre"
    # stuen højre
      name: "Stue højre"
    # spisebord
      name: "Spisebord"
    # køkken
      name: "Køkken"
    # markise tag
      name: "Markise tag"
    # markise vip
      name: "Markise vip"
    # markise screen 1
      name: "Markise screen 1"
    # markise screen 2
      name: "Markise screen 2"
    # markise screen 3
      name: "Markise screen 3"
    # markise lys
      name: "Markise lys"

But I HA integrations I only have: image

In RFXMGNR I have:

02-01-2022 12:31:31:370= Get Status: 0D 00 00 4A 02 00 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
02-01-2022 12:31:31:463= 1401004A02532C0000270003011C10910000000000
Packettype        = Interface Message
subtype           = Interface Response
Sequence nbr      = 74
response on cmnd  = Get Status
Transceiver type  = 433.92MHz
Firmware version  = 1044
Firmware Type     = ProXL1
Noise level       = 145
Transmit power    = 10dBm
Hardware version  = 3.1  RFXtrx433XL
Undec             off
Imagintronix      disabled
Byron SX          disabled
RSL               disabled
Lighting4         disabled
FineOffset        disabled
Rubicson          disabled
AE Blyss          disabled
BlindsTx          disabled
BlindsT0          disabled
Legrand           disabled
La Crosse         disabled
Hideki            disabled
AD LightwaveRF    disabled
Mertik            disabled
Visonic           disabled
ATI,Cartelectroni disabled
Oregon Scientific enabled
Meiantech         disabled
HomeEasy EU       disabled
AC                enabled
ARC               enabled
X10               enabled
HomeConfort,Fan   disabled
KeeLoq            disabled

02-01-2022 12:31:31:920= 1401074B07436F7079726967687420524658434F4D
02-01-2022 12:31:39:392= RFY command: 0C 1A 00 4C 01 01 01 00 06 00 00 00 00 
Packettype    = RFY
subtype       = RFY
Sequence nbr  = 76
id1-3         = 010101 decimal:65793
Unit          = All
Command       = List remotes
rfu1          = 00
rfu2          = 00
rfu3          = 00
Signal level  = +10 dBm
02-01-2022 12:31:39:782= 1401034C01000FFFFF01AA000A7420524658434F4D
Packettype        = Interface Message
subtype           = RFY remote:0 ID:0F FF FF unitnbr:1 rfu1:AA rfu2:0 rfu3:A
02-01-2022 12:31:40:110= 1401034C01010FFFFF02A100017420524658434F4D
Packettype        = Interface Message
subtype           = RFY remote:1 ID:0F FF FF unitnbr:2 rfu1:A1 rfu2:0 rfu3:1
02-01-2022 12:31:40:329= 1401034C01020FFFFF03A500057420524658434F4D
Packettype        = Interface Message
subtype           = RFY remote:2 ID:0F FF FF unitnbr:3 rfu1:A5 rfu2:0 rfu3:5
02-01-2022 12:31:40:548= 1401034C01030FFFFF04AF000F7420524658434F4D
Packettype        = Interface Message
subtype           = RFY remote:3 ID:0F FF FF unitnbr:4 rfu1:AF rfu2:0 rfu3:F
02-01-2022 12:31:40:766= 1401034C01040EFFFF05A100017420524658434F4D
Packettype        = Interface Message
subtype           = RFY remote:4 ID:0E FF FF unitnbr:5 rfu1:A1 rfu2:0 rfu3:1
02-01-2022 12:31:41:094= 1401034C01050EFFFF01A100017420524658434F4D
Packettype        = Interface Message
subtype           = RFY remote:5 ID:0E FF FF unitnbr:1 rfu1:A1 rfu2:0 rfu3:1
02-01-2022 12:31:41:313= 1401034C01060EFFFF02A200027420524658434F4D
Packettype        = Interface Message
subtype           = RFY remote:6 ID:0E FF FF unitnbr:2 rfu1:A2 rfu2:0 rfu3:2
02-01-2022 12:31:41:532= 1401034C01070EFFFF03A100017420524658434F4D
Packettype        = Interface Message
subtype           = RFY remote:7 ID:0E FF FF unitnbr:3 rfu1:A1 rfu2:0 rfu3:1
02-01-2022 12:31:41:860= 1401034C01080EFFFF04A100017420524658434F4D
Packettype        = Interface Message
subtype           = RFY remote:8 ID:0E FF FF unitnbr:4 rfu1:A1 rfu2:0 rfu3:1
02-01-2022 12:31:42:079= 1401034C01090DFFFF05A100017420524658434F4D
Packettype        = Interface Message
subtype           = RFY remote:9 ID:0D FF FF unitnbr:5 rfu1:A1 rfu2:0 rfu3:1

Somfy RTS motors do not transmit anything. Configure cover devices in HA.
see for example Rfxtrx documentation unclear, not clear how to configure somfy RTS blinds as covers

I saw that and tried to follow it…
I don’t see the difference between what I have and @ marnikvde’s setup.

My blinds doesn’t get added to the list of entities…

Solved it. I missed that after I defined the blinds in configuration.yaml I need to add then in the integration using the device_id eg 071a00000fffff01 as event code