RFXtrx433E configuration & Device Id's

Hi guys,

Have successfully configured my RFXtrx433E for use in HA.
(I can see the device attempting to transmit to a dummy device id triggered from HA)

The part I’m struggling with is finding out the HA Device Id’s for my Dooya blinds.

I used the RFXmgr software to sniff the ID used by my blinds remote, and was able to control my blinds via the RFXtrx433E using the RFXmgr software;

But I can’t figure out how to either translate this ID into one compatible for configuration.yaml as per;

I’ve tried the raw device Id from RFXmgr as E232C554, I’ve tried prefixing it with leading 0’s

  - platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: False
      00000000E232C554: # 00000000 + device Id; E2 32 C5 5 + Unit; 4
        name: BlindOne

Neither of those work, and generate errors in the home-assistant.log at start up.
2018-11-11 08:46:30 ERROR (SyncWorker_10) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Invalid device: 00000000E232C554

I don’t understand how the automatic_add parameter would work in this instance, but I have tried setting it to true with no devices configured but this didn’t work either (no devices were added to HA). Documentation notes that this is for (Siemens/LightwaveRF only)

I have RFXtrx debugging on as per;

# RFXtrx433E - For blinds  
  device: /dev/ttyUSB0
  debug: True

But am unsure where this debug output would be going or what it might look like.

Does anyone have any ideas or insights as to what the device Id might be, or how I can find out what it is via HA, or how to debug this further?


I contacted the manufacturer of the RFXtrx433E and he kindly replied with this information;

No explanation of how I would have been able to figure this out (if there is some documentation somewhere) but I was able to use this, and my blinds now all work in HA!

  - platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: False
        name: All Blinds
        name: Blind1
        name: Blind2
        name: Blind3
        name: Blind4

Happy days. The up and down buttons in the UI seem to be reversed for some reason, but I can live with that since I’ll be automating them anyway. Possibly something to do with the Open command 00 in the Id details above.


Hey Josh,

i reset my forgotten password and logged in to say thank you for this post.
Had the Rfxtrx433E laying around for some time, waiting for configuration, until yesterday when my wife left the original remote under the rain.
Your post helped me to configure the cover and it works like a charm.
On a related note, i happen to have a door chime and am able to control it through RFX manager. It is using SelectPlus protocol. However i do not know the begining codes for that. I understand that 09190600 applies to blinds only.

Where i could possible find the beginning code for SelectPlus protocol?

Glad to hear it was useful!

I’d suggest contacting the guy that sells the RFXtrx433E online, he provided the beginning codes for me and was very helpful. I still haven’t found anything online that provides this info unfortunately.

I still have issues with RFXcom sensors, even after reading the HA docs and the various forum threads.
I have 2 sensors for temperature and temperature & humidity. In the RFXmngr they appear as

 04-Jun-19 05:30:07:172= 085005016F0000FD79
 Packettype    = TEMP
 subtype       = TEMP5 - LaCrosse TX2, TX3, TX4, TX17
 Sequence nbr  = 1
 ID            = 6F00 decimal:28416
 Temperature   = 25.3 °C
 Signal level  = 7  -64dBm
 Battery       = OK
 04-Jun-19 05:30:28:644= 0A520702780E00FA320179
 Packettype    = TEMP_HUM
 subtype       = TH7 - Cresta, TFA TS34C
                 channel 3
 Sequence nbr  = 2
 ID            = 780E decimal:30734
 Temperature   = 25 °C
 Humidity      = 50
 Status        = Comfortable
 Signal level  = 7  -64dBm
 Battery       = OK

I contacted RFXcom and they gave me the following description of the packet structure for the LaCrosse sensor and confirmed that the Device ID is 6F00 (780E for the TH7):

08   length of following bytes
50   TEMP
05   TEMP5
01   Sequence number
6F00 ID
00FD temperature
7    Signal level
9    battery status

I have activated debug logging for RFXtrx and get these entries when the sensors transmit

2019-06-05 11:10:14 DEBUG (Thread-2) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event from (Device_id: 6f_00 Class: RFXtrxDevice Sub: 5, Pkt_id: 085005a96f0000f769)
2019-06-05 11:10:27 DEBUG (Thread-2) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event from (Device_id: 78_0e Class: RFXtrxDevice Sub: 7, Pkt_id: 0a5207aa780e00f1380179)
2019-06-05 11:11:14 DEBUG (Thread-2) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event from (Device_id: 78_0e Class: RFXtrxDevice Sub: 7, Pkt_id: 0a5207ab780e00f1380169)
2019-06-05 11:12:01 DEBUG (Thread-2) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event from (Device_id: 78_0e Class: RFXtrxDevice Sub: 7, Pkt_id: 0a5207ac780e00f1380179)
2019-06-05 11:12:48 DEBUG (Thread-2) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event from (Device_id: 78_0e Class: RFXtrxDevice Sub: 7, Pkt_id: 0a5207ad780e00f1380179)

If I try to use 6f00/780e as the device ID I get an error thrown from “/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/rfxtrx/sensor.py”.

If I use the full package id it works until I restart HA then the sensors re-appear with new similar ‘ids’ and I have to redefine the devices with the new values. Finally, RFXcom advised that the device IDs change when the batteries are changed or the sensor is reset.

Am I still missing something in the setup of these devices or do I have to live with this ID ‘instability’ for these devices. Does the RFXtrx sensor extract the ID from the Pkt_id?

I am by no means an expert here, but my understanding is that the RFXtrx device is just a receiver of signals on the 433Mhz spectrum. It doesn’t get or set the device Id’s of devices broadcasting on this spectrum, the devices themselves do that.

If you use the RFXtrx connected to your PC via USB and use the RFXmgr software you should be able to sniff the traffic and see the Ids as broadcast (with HA out of the loop)

I would have thought these would be static, unless as the RFXcom guy says, they get reset. Do they have low batteries? Or is there anything else that could be resetting them?

That’s probably the limit of my knowledge here :confused:

Thanks TLF, yes, that’s correct. You can see the device ID in the Pkt_ID, In the meantime I’ve done a few restarts of HA and I haven’t had any loss of sensors. If I am honest I did have to change batteries as the sensors had been running for some time (1 - 2 years), and that probably caused the change in ID. It seems that the RFXtrx component extracts the device ID from the Pkt_ID.

I’ll monitor things over the next few months.

I have a similar problem. My Lacross sensor do not get automatically added though they are picked up in the manager. How do you activate debug for rfxcom and how do you add the device?
Do you use the code as an event code?

Hey, activating debug mode in the config HA will just output all the signals on the 433Mhz spectrum that the RFXtrx sees or sends into the HA console output. You can use this to determine the device Id’s when you use your existing manual remotes. You can add the devices in the config. The first post in this thread has the details for this.

I have another issue with the RFXTRX integration. When I first set it up back in 2019 it managed to ‘find’ 107 Devices & 412 Entities over a few weeks, although I only have 3 temperature sensors. In the end I switched off automatic detection.
Is there any easy way to delete the unwanted device/entities?

I’ve had many issues with RFXtrx and its integration into HA. It creates lots of unneeded entities if allowed to add them automatically. Then if you change batteries in some of sensor types (e.g. temp/humidity) the ID changes randomly and registered sensor amount multiplies. Then it has some signal range problems due to low sensitivity & antenna efficiency. Because it is connected with serial to the server (RPi), you need to position the server not where it is handy for you, but where it is optimal for signal reception. Then serial connection draws too much current, so cannot be connected directly to RPi. Finally I got rid of RFXtrx and its HA integration moving to MQTT discovery and do it manually only for used sensor IDs. I combined all protocols used by my sensors and made a custom 433MHz to MQTT bridge. Here you can see one example of decoding signals from wireless temperature sensors.