Rhasspy offline voice assistant toolkit

Greatm I will try it soon!

I have now Rhasspy on a HA instance, Matrix Voice as a mqtt microphone and am using Koan’s hermers-audio-player on a Pi Zero with usb speaker. The latter also functioning as speaker for the Mopidy addon and snapcastclient :slight_smile:

A list of siteID’s would be great indeed, in my new house I have multiple rooms and want a couple of sattelities but I won’t need it for a couple of months :slight_smile:

Ok, now the Dutch tests run: 2 failures out of 4. I’ll try to record test sentences later and see if that fixes it.

I’m closing in on a fix for the Dutch profile. I’m honestly amazed it worked up to this point. The dictionary has invisible “non-breaking” spaces in the words (compound words maybe?). I was splitting the lines with a “\s+” regex, which was spilling chunks of words into the pronunciations.

My first solution is splitting on the space character explicitly, which I’ll be testing as soon as I can.

Can you give an example? Contrary to English, in Dutch compound words are written in one word, e.g. we have “woonkamerlamp” instead of “living room lamp”.

Edit: Oh, I misunderstood, you mean the invisisble spaces are between woon, kamer en lamp in this example?

The first instance I see in the Dutch dictionary is “aan[]bestedingen” where “[]” is the invisible space. There are over 5000 words in the dictionary that have at least one invisible space (out of about 1.4 million words).

I just updated to the new version
Rhasspy does not work inaccessible
In docker compose, my quote rhasspy stopped working
please help me

A profile name is now required as a command like argument. The RHASSPY_PROFILES environment variable was also removed.

Please paste your docker compose and I’ll show you how to fix it :slight_smile:

image: synesthesiam/rhasspy-server:latest
- $HOME/.rhasspy/profiles:/profiles
- /dev/snd:/dev/snd
- “12101:12101”
- snowboy
image: synesthesiam/snowboy:1.3.0
- /run/dbus:/run/dbus
command: --host mosquitto --model /models/okay_rhasspy.pmdl
- mosquitto
image: eclipse-mosquitto

This is my docker editor
thank you very much. have a nice day

OK, this should work:

  image: synesthesiam/rhasspy-server:latest
    - $HOME/.rhasspy/profiles:/profiles
    - /dev/snd:/dev/snd
    - "12101:12101"
  command: --profile en --user-profiles /profiles
    - snowboy

The only change was to remove the environment and add the command part to rhasspy. I’m assuming you’re using the English profile (en).

thank you i will try it too
Do you know Vietnamese language?

I don’t, but Rhasspy now has a Vietnamese profile (vi). I’d be interested to hear if it works for you; so far I think just @S_n_Nguy_n has tried it.

I will try your Vietnamese language.
rhasspy has worked again
Thank you very much
Do you think up a newer high frequency?
Is it to give machine learning or Al to rhasspy?

I wouldn’t say there’s an A.I. in Rhasspy yet. The new flair intent recognizer uses machine learning, but it doesn’t make Rhasspy any smarter.

Do you plan to put Al in rhasspy?

What exactly do you mean by “AI”?

My intention is to enter into the core of rhasspy
Well-rooted configuration
In the configuration file we just need to add rhasspy:
like other configurations in hass
and al will learn all users.

You mean make rhasspy a component? I do not think that very likely, because rhasspy is too large to be a build in component.
That has nothing to do with AI, assuming you mean “Artificial Intelligence”, so I am still confused about it.
But no matter, maybe somebody else understands what you want :smiley:

I am trying to add your project into my HA build but I am falling into errors…

I am on Rapsbian lite and HA is running on venv. Raspberry pi 3
I ran create-venv but It came with some errors and took waaaay too long (maybe an hour) to complete. Is that normal? You mention 5-10 minutes in your documentation.
I dont have the errors right now, but if you need to know what it is, I can run it again and copy-paste them here.

When I try to run run-venv.sh I get this error:

pi@F:~/rhasspy $ ./run-venv.sh --profile en
Missing virtual environment at /home/pi/rhasspy/.venv
Did you run create-venv.sh?

Thank you.

I mean add Al to rhasspy