Ring Device integration via MQTT w/ Video Streaming

My suggestion would be to ignore it, it’s a mostly harmless message. Ring seems to have made some minor changes to their API that are triggering this for non-doorbell cameras. These messages will be suppressed in the next release but they are harmless.

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it seems that wile the binary sensors still work, whatever it is, its causing issues with snapshots not updating. Occasionally I see the generic cameras that are set to the rtsp://*…napshot.attributes.entity_picture are not getting updated.

If I restart the ring mqtt service, the log shows everything loads ok , all subscriptions are confirmed and it logs a snapshot refresh OK. This si when all the cameras update correctly. After that one load, I start to see logs as follows.

2023-03-29T10:06:35.796Z ring-mqtt [**CAM1**] Previous Person 1 URL has expired, updating the recording URL
2023-03-29T10:06:35.811Z ring-mqtt [**CAM2**] Previous Person 1 URL has expired, updating the recording URL
2023-03-29T10:06:35.820Z ring-mqtt [**CAM3**] Camera lost subscription to ding events, attempting to resubscribe...
2023-03-29T10:06:35.828Z ring-mqtt [**CAM4**] Camera lost subscription to ding events, attempting to resubscribe...

and while the binary sensors will update that a motion event occurred, the snapshots are not taken/captured. The URL for entity picture does not seem to change. Going back tot he HA ring integration, I am running this as well but started to use mostly the ring mqtt components. Im not sure if there is any dependency on the HA integration but could it be worth removing/re-adding that ?

Snapshots on motion are broken right now due to the fact that Ring changed the API behavior with an update a few days ago and I haven’t had time to push out an update with a fix for this. It has nothing at all to do with the messages you are asking about or the log lines you posted. The “lost subscription” message is spurrious and not important.

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Got it, it is the snapshots that are causing the real issues (displaying stale images on ding events). Good to know its a known issue.

Eagerly awaiting the fix to deploy. Again, thanks for your continued development on this.

I have received and installed the latest update on my HA instance and can confirm the snapshots are now working as previously. Thanks!

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@tsightler With the new alarm dialogs in 2023.4, does this integration need to be updated to not expose Night, Vacation and Custom modes, which do nothing, or is this something HA Core needs to enable the filtering of? I have asked in the release thread here. Seems someone else is having a similar issue with Abode.

The specs for MQTT device discovery for alarm control panel are available here: Manual MQTT Alarm Control Panel - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)

I don’t see any method to inform HA what modes a given MQTT Alarm Control Panel supports, unlike, for example, the MQTT HVAC integration, in which you can, and ring-mqtt does, pass through the supported modes. To me it looks like the HA MQTT Alarm Control Panel integration just assumes that every alarm supports all modes.

That being said, I don’t really use the HA UI much, for me HA is about 99% just an automation platform. If someone can tell me I’m incorrect, I’d be happy to implement sending the list of supported modes.

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@robertwigley Depending on how you want to manage your alarm, I prefer something like this for the alarm UI. I basically carve up my own and execute scripts to arm/disarm the alarm. I have not upgraded to 2023.4 yet but I feel you could likely customize your own similarly there as well. The reason I prefer this, is I can do things in those scripts as part of arming/disarming the alarm that you can’t do otherwise. Like turning the keypad/base station volumes down BEFORE arming for example. But in your case, you should also be able to remove unused functions OR atually use them for a different way of arming via scripts.

  - platform: template
        name: 'Ring Alarm'
        unique_id: 'ring_alarm_panel'
        code_arm_required: false
        value_template: "{{ states('alarm_control_panel.xxxx_alarm') }}"
          service: script.alarm_arm_away
          service: script.alarm_arm_home
          service: script.alarm_disarm

I even use that new alarm panel in my automations so that those scripts are ALWAYS executed whenever calling the arm/disarm/etc even in automations. I never use the inbuilt ‘alarm_control_panel’ that comes from the actual integration itself except through this panel.

An example script:

alias: Alarm Arm Away
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: time
            after: "20:00:00"
            before: "08:30:00"
          - service: number.set_value
                - number.stairway_keypad_volume
                - number.xxxx_base_station_volume
              value: "5"
          - delay:
              hours: 0
              minutes: 0
              seconds: 2
              milliseconds: 0
      - service: number.set_value
          value: "100"
            - number.stairway_keypad_volume
            - number.xxxx_base_station_volume
  - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
    data: {}
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.xxxx_alarm
mode: single
icon: mdi:alarm-light-outline

EDIT: Just upgraded.

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I’m very new to Home Assistant and I’m trying to get a live stream of my Ring Video Doorbell. I’ve tried following the instructions but to say I’m a bit of a novice is an understatement. Whatever I do I can only seem to get a snapshot camera entity going and not a live stream camera.

Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong?

Any chance to integrate BI-directional audio flow of RING INTERCOM?

I use the ALexa Media Player Integration for this

service: media_player.play_media
  media_content_id: " Turn off Motion Sensor off <camera_name>."
  media_content_type: Custom
  entity_id: media_player.<echo_name>
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Thanks. However, this doesn’t seem to work for me. My doorbell camera is called “Front Door”, so:

media_content_id: "Turn off motion sensor on Front Door"

But this doesn’t seem to do anything. Issuing the same command by voice gives the response “Sorry, I didn’t find a group or device named Motion Sensor Front Door.”

Does anyone know if there is a way to disable motion dection for a camera?

It’s not currently possible via ring-mqtt, but it’s a good feature request and should be pretty easy to implement. If I can ever find some time to work on this project again I’ll try to sneak motion enable/disable toggle in there.


This would be great!


I also asked in the Go2RTC Threat but I have another issue regarding my Ring Cam:

I have installed the MQTT w/ Video Streaming AddOn togheter with go2rtc. I have installed the RTSPtoWebRTC Integration as well and all my Streams where automaticaly forwarded to go2rtc. I have created a Glance Card on my Dashboard using the Ring Camera but in Mode “auto” so it only provides my a screenshot every 10 seconds and the idea is/was that only if i click on the snapshot picture that the live streams starts. At the moment the Live Stream is all the time on - any idea?

You have to make sure that the snapshot URL is properly configured and working for the camera, otherwise HA will always start a stream just to get a thumbnail. Also, make sure any “preload stream” options are disabled.

This is probably been answered somewhere and I just didn’t see it but what does the motion duration setting do on a battery camera?

Has anyone been getting motion detections through the integration for the past 12 hours? I seem to have not gotten any even though I’m still getting snapshots and other sensor updates. I had to enable the official HA Ring integration as a workaround to get motion detections again.

Stopped working for me, last notification I got was 2 days ago.

@tsightler I am receiving this error when I am trying to integrate my ring cameras, could you please help guide me to fix this?

Error from stream worker: Error opening stream (ERRORTYPE_5, I/O error) rtsp://03cabcc9-ring-mqtt:8554/54e019dbeb50_live