Ring Device integration via MQTT w/ Video Streaming

Sorry beginner here.

I have just installed the add-on and successfully connected to my ring account.

However it seems like I am still not able to connect to MQTT broker.

Any advice would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

`ring-mqtt.js version: 5.0.5

Node version v16.17.1
NPM version 8.10.0
git version 2.36.2

Running ring-mqtt…
2022-12-03T19:20:06.040Z ring-mqtt Detected runmode: addon
2022-12-03T19:20:06.049Z ring-mqtt Configuration file: /data/options.json
2022-12-03T19:20:06.060Z ring-mqtt Configured MQTT Host:
2022-12-03T19:20:06.061Z ring-mqtt Configured MQTT Port: 8123
2022-12-03T19:20:06.063Z ring-mqtt Using anonymous MQTT connection
2022-12-03T19:20:06.065Z ring-mqtt MQTT URL: mqtt://
2022-12-03T19:20:11.793Z ring-mqtt Reading latest data from state file: /data/ring-state.json
2022-12-03T19:20:11.800Z ring-mqtt Succesfully started the token generator web UI
2022-12-03T19:20:12.052Z ring-mqtt Attempting connection to Ring API using saved refresh token…
2022-12-03T19:20:14.181Z ring-mqtt Successfully established connection to Ring API using saved token
2022-12-03T19:20:14.188Z ring-mqtt Received updated refresh token
2022-12-03T19:20:14.188Z ring-mqtt Saving updated refresh token to state file
2022-12-03T19:20:15.338Z ring-mqtt Successfully saved updated state file: /data/ring-state.json
2022-12-03T19:20:16.184Z ring-mqtt Attempting connection to MQTT broker…
2022-12-03T19:20:16.492Z ring-mqtt Unable to connect to MQTT broker Not supported`

Did you install and setup your broker? Looks like you need to do that.
Install and setup Mosquitto broker

It’s working now. Thank you so much!

I wonder if someone could please help me as I have spent days trying!!
my problem is ring camera live view is not working snapshots are working fine.
in terminal I run
ring-mqtt in installed and running in docker with
sudo docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,source=/opt/ring-mqtt,target=/data -e “MQTTHOST=” -e “DEBUG=ring-mqtt” tsightler/ring-mqtt
ring-mqtt log shows
Starting Device Discovery… +0ms
ring-mqtt +0ms
ring-mqtt New location: Home (ed3f12c2-0b54-405e-8408-302c55c9cec3) +0ms
ring-mqtt New device: Front Door (54e019cfb57a) +6ms
ring-mqtt doorbell_graham_cracker +0ms
ring-mqtt New device: Hallway (54e0196e25fe) +2ms
ring-mqtt chime_v2 +0ms
ring-mqtt +0ms
ring-mqtt Device Discovery Complete! +0ms
ring-mqtt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +0ms
ring-mqtt Successfully saved updated state file: /data/ring-state.json +4s
ring-mqtt [Front Door] Failed to retrieve recording URL for motion event +0ms
ring-mqtt [Front Door] Could not retrieve recording URL for event, assuming no Ring Protect subscription +1ms
ring-mqtt Detected 4 CPU cores, starting 3 live stream workers +366ms
ring-mqtt [Front Door] ring/ed3f12c2-0b54-405e-8408-302c55c9cec3/camera/54e019cfb57a/status online +6s
my camera setup in home assistant is

  • platform: generic
    name: Front Door Video
    still_image_url:{{ states.camera.front_door_snapshot.attributes.entity_picture }}
    stream_source: rtsp://03cabcc9-ring-mqtt:8554/54e019cfb57a_live
    snapshots are working no problem
    if I click on the live view camera in home assistant nothing changes
    the ring-mqtt logs shows
    ring-mqtt [Front Door] Starting a live stream session via Ring servers +1ms
    ring-mqtt [Front Door] Live stream assigned to worker 1 with 0 current active sessions +592ms
    ring-mqtt [Front Door] Live stream has been successfully activated +627ms
    ring-mqtt [Front Door] Requesting an updated interval snapshot +14s
    but i am getting no live view
    please help thanks?

I have ring subscription and works for me but i don’t use the live view option in HA. Wish i could help but ya but cant say why its not working for you.

Well, I’m no expert in rtsp, but I also have had issues with the HA generic camera live streaming the rtsp stream from Ring camera (I have a battery Ring camera).

Try killing the rtsp-simple-server process, it will automatically restart, and sometimes that will get the rtsp streaming to work.

(I did:
% ps aux | grep rtsp
Then find the process ID of rtsp-simple-server,
% sudo kill (process id)
Then rtsp-simple-server will automatically restart in 5 seconds.

sudo pkill rtsp
will also work

I’m trying to find what my rtsp may be
“ring-mqtt attempts to “guess” the required RTSP”

In the Sensors section of the device view select the Info sensor and, in the pop-up window, click the Control icon in the upper right corner

I did not find a “info” sensor, is this still valid? I was on a old version and thought maybe that was the issue and spent many hours fixing all the breaking changes only to find out there still is no “info” sensor.

This is in the log file and I see a rtsp address is this what the “guess” is?..Is there something in here i should not be posting due to security? Numbers changed just in case.

2023-01-01T05:00:20.290Z ring-attr [Front Door] ring/9v55f8-2k1pr-0/camera/e04f455545d5/info/state {“firmwareStatus”:“Up to Date”,“lastUpdate”:“2023-01-01T02:31:34Z”,“wirelessNetwork”:“Port505”,“wirelessSignal”:-70,“stream_Source”:“rtsp://0355bcc9-ring-mqtt:8554/e04555a545d5_live”,“still_Image_URL”:“https://homeassistant:8123{{ states.camera.front_door_snapshot.attributes.entity_picture }}”}

I tried several variations of it with no success, also tried VLC. I normally connect to https://something.asuscomm.com to access HA so I tired for a still image using
https://something.asuscomm.com{{ states.camera.front_door_snapshot.attributes.entity_picture }} which failed. Should a port be open in my router for this to work? I have tried opening 8554 to the ring which also failed.

Should the normal ring integration also be installed?

I have gone through numerous guides to get this working and i have to put my hands up and say i am now stuck.

I have setup Mosquito and it appears to be working and i have setup the Ring MQTT addon which starts ok but keeps kicking up an error in the logs.

On inital startup of the Ring MQTT add-on i get the following which suggest to me its starting up ok;

s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
cont-init: info: running /etc/cont-init.d/ring-mqtt.sh
| Ring-MQTT with Video Streaming                      |
| Addon for Home Assistant                            |
|                                                     |
| For support questions please visit:                 |
| https://github.com/tsightler/ring-mqtt/discussions  |
cont-init: info: /etc/cont-init.d/ring-mqtt.sh exited 0
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
services-up: info: copying legacy longrun ring-mqtt (no readiness notification)
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
ring-mqtt.js version: 5.0.5
Node version v16.17.1
NPM version 8.10.0
git version 2.36.2
Running ring-mqtt...
2023-01-05T08:13:10.988Z ring-mqtt Detected runmode: addon
2023-01-05T08:13:10.992Z ring-mqtt Configuration file: /data/options.json
2023-01-05T08:13:10.995Z ring-mqtt Configured MQTT Host:
2023-01-05T08:13:10.996Z ring-mqtt Discovered MQTT Port: 1883
2023-01-05T08:13:10.996Z ring-mqtt Configured MQTT User: mqtt
2023-01-05T08:13:10.997Z ring-mqtt Configured MQTT password: <hidden>
2023-01-05T08:13:11.000Z ring-mqtt MQTT URL: mqtt://mqtt:********@
2023-01-05T08:13:12.537Z ring-mqtt Reading latest data from state file: /data/ring-state.json
2023-01-05T08:13:12.548Z ring-mqtt Succesfully started the token generator web UI
2023-01-05T08:13:12.658Z ring-mqtt Attempting connection to Ring API using saved refresh token...
2023-01-05T08:13:13.468Z ring-mqtt Successfully established connection to Ring API using saved token
2023-01-05T08:13:13.469Z ring-mqtt Received updated refresh token
2023-01-05T08:13:13.469Z ring-mqtt Saving updated refresh token to state file
2023-01-05T08:13:14.559Z ring-mqtt Successfully saved updated state file: /data/ring-state.json
2023-01-05T08:13:15.469Z ring-mqtt Attempting connection to MQTT broker...

However soon after the above i get pages and pages of the below in the logs;

2023-01-05T08:08:42.600Z ring-mqtt Attempting to reconnect to MQTT broker...
2023-01-05T08:08:42.602Z ring-mqtt Unable to connect to MQTT broker connect ECONNREFUSED
2023-01-05T08:08:43.603Z ring-mqtt Attempting to reconnect to MQTT broker...
2023-01-05T08:08:43.604Z ring-mqtt Unable to connect to MQTT broker connect ECONNREFUSED
2023-01-05T08:08:44.604Z ring-mqtt Attempting to reconnect to MQTT broker...
2023-01-05T08:08:44.605Z ring-mqtt Unable to connect to MQTT broker connect ECONNREFUSED```

Has anyone seen this before and would they be willing to help ? I know this is probably something simple but after staring at it for hours on end i am probably not seeing the wood for the trees anymore.

Thanks in advance


Try using the IP address of your Home Assistant instance rather than the local loopback I think if you’re running HA OS, the Mosquito Broker is running in a Docker container and often the local loopback doesn’t work.

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@robertwigley i have spent days on this and in the end it was because it dodnt like the loopback address … that fixed my problem thanks.

I will now go sit in the corner and sit and reflect on what i have done wrong lol

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@tsightler - does this support the native Ring package detection for doorbells?

No. To be completely honest I didn’t even know there was such a thing.

I believe I is relatively new (at least that I know of) - https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406543928212-How-to-Get-Package-Alerts

The Ring recordings just title the event “package”

They just added this in the last month or so. I haven’t been to thrilled with the accuracy to be honest, and it also slows down how quickly you get motion alerts since it does cloud AI processing before deciding if there is motion.

Was this ever solved? I’m also looking to implement automations that would trigger the alarm’s pending state and start the count down.

I don’t believe this is possible.

Hi @tsightler I use your intergration for the ring doorbell. The motion detection signal keeps on Detected all the time. See image.

I do get a pop up notification on my phone whenever motion is detected from the ring app. The motion sensitivity is set to quite low.
Now I use as a trigger the info field, but this is not reliable enough.
Do you know how to fix this?

Hi Raki. I’ve never had any reports of any similar issue and I have no idea what you mean by using the “info” field, but you can always open a support issue on the Github project page and provide full logs and I will try to help. I don’t provide support for such issues in this this thread.

Hi @tsightler,

Yes I figured the github repo was the place forward, so I looked but I couldnt see the issues tab. Maybe it has been disabled?
I looked here:

If you read the page you linked, it has a section on support with links to the main ring-mqtt project with discussions groups and issues enabled. I don’t have issues enabled on the HA addon page because 99% of all issues reported are not addon specific but related to the main project. The addon itself is just a yaml file with some HA specific metadata.