Ring Doorbell Download

yeah, I see now that I moved away from downloading the video and playing that back.

The way I have set it up now is that i use the camerastream from the Ring integration. (I dont really use it, since it’s a battery one, so its slow to upload/download to HA, quicker to press the notification from the Ring app and open it there)

OK, thanks!

Not sure if it’s worth to anyone, but after reading this thread, I’ve combined most of the ideas to come up with the following (thanks everyone for your contributions).

Basically, I download everytime a new video is generated, this way I don’t need to add a delay.

alias: Download Ring Videos
description: ''
  - platform: state
      - camera.front_door
    attribute: last_video_id
condition: []
  - service: downloader.download_file
      url: '{{ states.camera.front_door.attributes.video_url }}'
      subdir: >-
        {{state_attr("camera.front_door", "friendly_name")}}/{{
        now().strftime("%Y-%m") }}
      filename: >-
        {{ state_attr('camera.front_door', 'friendly_name') }}-{{
        now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") }}.mp4
mode: single

Hope this helps anyone looking at this thread in the future.


The integration works great I do have a question is there a way to map in the downloader nas storage network drive not my local home assistant drive even with the Python script

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is there any way to download the videos to the network storage, now i can use my NAS to save all the footage automagical,
especially after the last release for HA we can now add all the nas locally