Ring stopped working quickly after I got it working

Confirming - working for me also - thanks devs.

A long shot but does anyone know how to reformat the ring last_activity sensor in HA dashboard, since the update I have a unfriendly format 2020-01-16T21:52:06+00:00 , need to format it into something meaningful either a date and time or number of minutes from current time.

would be really appreciated if you do. Thanks

So i got through this problem too.

Updated home-assistant to 104.1, checked if ring is working without 2FA enabled (Which it did).
Enabled 2FA (Still working)

I get updates for the sensors (last ding, last activity, battery status and so on…), but my binary_sensor doesn’t turn on/off, so my automation don’t work.
It basiaclly looks like this (Starting from me opening the gate and the door so i can get to my ring)

21:40 [Hue Motion front markise] cleared (no motion detected)
21:40 [Hue Motion front markise] detected motion
21:40 [Tor Last Ding] changed to 2020-01-17T20:39:15+00:00
21:40 [Tor Last Activity] changed to 2020-01-17T20:39:15+00:00
21:40 [people_gate] changed to closed
21:39 [Hue Motion front markise] cleared (no motion detected)
21:39 [OpenCloseTem Door] is closed
21:39 [people_gate] changed to open
21:39 [Hue Motion front markise] detected motion
21:39 [OpenCloseTem Door] is opened
21:39 [Turn peoplegate open/close] has been triggered

I cleaned up everything that had to do with ring and even rebooted it. All of it didn’t help.
Has anyone a suggestion for me?

Thanks in advance

Somehow it’s working now. If anyone else has the problem i described what i did here: Ring integration setup fails