Thanks @madelena and @jenova70 for sharing these insights, the product manager in me is super happy to get that level of structure and overview from my favorite (and only ) home automation platform. I saw in the blog post that collaboration/input from other product people is actually something you could make use of? Then I’d be more than happy to contribute!
As a start maybe some questions and ideas around the content you provided so far:
NorthStar: I love the HomeApprocalFactor as a Northstar (as I have the same topic in my own household, and in the one of my parents), but I’d like to understand better which metric you want to use to measure it, and how. Qualitative feedback via multiple surveys over time? Or number of different accounts per HA instance as a sign for more users per household? Accounts who trigger actions vs accounts who only consume information? …?
In line with measurability: is there somewhere a documentation which data points the anonymous usage stats already capture today? And how good is the current percentage of instances that allow those stats to be capture? I could imagine that if the usage stats would cover insights into the HAF, but the number of instances who allow them are low, a nice little communication campaign might motivate people to switch it on.
Personas: I’m not 100% sure which personas you had in mind when putting together the current roadmap. From reading the intro around the HAF, my guess was that planned enhancements would directly target the people who are not the main admins of the HA instance, but the other members of their households. With one exception though (improve assist capabilities), all other items in the roadmap target the person that maintains the HA instance. The impact on the other people is therefore only an indirect one. Making dashboards more customizable does make it easier for the person who BUILDS the dashboard to create dashboards for the others to USE it, I get that. But I could think of various things that would have a direct impact on the non-admin-users, and therefore a more direct impact on the HAF. (better error/fallback messages when an entitiy isnt available, simplified “hey, we updated your HA app, these are the tons of code changes we made” notification in the companion app, making it harder to get lost in sub-menus, …)
To speak in personas from my own experience (cliched, but true, I swear):
John is in his mid-40ies, aging nerd with a background in tech, likes to tinker and has a preference for “whodunit” movies. Other apps and tools he uses: remote desktop app, android tasker, resistor color code identifier, spotify.
Jane is in her mid-40ies, lives with John. Likes to go for long walks in nature, has a background in art and works as a coach. Other apps she regularly uses: spotify, google calendar, public transport connection infos.
Margarete, mid 70ies, Johns mother. Loves meeting her friends for breakfast and a chat around the coffee table, riding her ebike, and watching linear tv which she picks by reading a paper tv magazine. She uses her phone to play mayong and to watch photos of her grandson that she gets via whatsapp, and to occasionally check the data from the weather station that John set up in his parents household via a dedicated HA instance. Margarete doesn’t have a clue what HA actually is.
Anyway, I’ve got tons of ideas, and time on my hand, and cannot contribute by coding (for lack of abilities ), so let me know if you’d like to talk more around product-stuff, I’d love to join!