Roborock Map/Camera is not shown every 24h

Yeah I did increase it to 4 hours. I’ll give disabling the integration a try!

So since I’ve been running the automation the map doesn’t load until the vacuum has figured out it’s position. It’s a pain because I have to run it to then tell it which room to clean. Is there a way to do a full reset on things, including the API? @3_14 you may know best?

I think it should in the manual for you model

Thanks - can you reset your API too?

I’m not sure what you mean…

I also have the same issue (card will not loaded all the time).

Can please somebody copy the last updated automation codes which works for this?

Because I receive this message, if I copy&paste the following code to a new automation:

That is only the trigger section of the automation. Look further up in the topic.

sorry for ask again, but I dont understand it :smiley:
I copied / changed all 3 codes from here: Roborock Map/Camera is not shown every 24h - #9 by tonka3000

what should I do with the two other codes?


They are only sections of the automation I changed to suit my needs. The full automations are posted further up in the topic and marked as the solution to this problem.

okay, so I added the 3 codes from the first link above.
I will check the card tomorrow morning again and give feedback if something have changed

So, today morning it worked and I see the card (in xiaomi and home assistant).

Now I have the same issue again: “failed to retrieve map from vacuum”.

I added the scan_interval to my yaml and the both automations “Start/Stop Automation” & “Update Automation” from this post:

any ideas what I am missing?
the vaccum is working fine, but w/o the map I dont know if we keep it or have to buy a new one :frowning:

@Timsche2210 Hey,

I have the same issue from time to time. If you can send your robot home or use this “locate me” command where it talk back everything is fine.

You can checkout the new roborock integration which should not have the issue but not still not all is implemented, but maybe enough for you. I didn’t used it myself so I’m not sure what the current state is but the documentation should hint most of the current features of it.

Thanks for the solution! The final code with all updates:

- id: roborock_update_xiaomi_map_extractor
  alias: Roborock Update Xiaomi Map Extractor
  description: ""
    - platform: time_pattern
      seconds: "15"
  condition: []
    - service: homeassistant.update_entity
      data: {}
        entity_id: camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
  initial_state: "off"
  mode: restart

- id: roborock_disable_updates_for_map
  alias: Roborock Start/Stop Xiaomi Fast Scan Interval
  description: ""
    - platform: state
        - vacuum.roborock_vacuum_s6
  condition: []
    - if:
        - condition: state
          entity_id: vacuum.roborock_vacuum_s6
          state: docked
        - condition: state
          entity_id: vacuum.roborock_vacuum_s6
          state: error
        - service: automation.turn_off
          data: {}
            entity_id: automation.roborock_update_xiaomi_map_extractor
        - service: homeassistant.update_entity
          data: {}
            entity_id: camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
        - service: automation.turn_on
          data: {}
            entity_id: automation.roborock_update_xiaomi_map_extractor
  mode: single
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I gave up on cloud access for this today. One of my cameras was always unavailable the other was only visible when my vacuum was cleaning. No amount of hardware resets or throttled camera updates helped.

So I installed Valetudo on both my S5 robovacs. Now the map extractor not only works perfectly but I have individual room cleaning too.

I would not say it was difficult, but not easy either. Getting the right package for the initial OTA flashing of the robots was my first hurdle. Then customising the mqtt topics. Then finding the right mqtt camera conversion integration. But I got there in the end.

I have always suspected that it is due to the map extractor and regular api queries that the map is partially not visible, I can now definitely deny this.
I have been using Home Assistant without map extractor for weeks and still the map view in the original Xiaomi app fails sporadically or the map is not available.

Greetings and i wish a good start into the new year


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