Rotate to the left or right in Xiaomi Magic Cube?

Hi m8. Could i ask you to share the code for the mode-control for the cube as well?

Do you have any kind of public library? Your solutions looks fantastic, so i would love to be inspired - and copy/paste some of the solutions too :wink:

This from my input_select.yaml

  name: Cube Mode
    - Music
    - Lights
    - None
  initial: Lights 
  icon: mdi:cube-outline

Thanks! And “mode-change”?
(Do you have any kind of public library? :slight_smile: )

I change my mode by simply throwing it in the air :smile:

- alias: Xiaomi Cube - Toggle Cube Mode [Free Fall]
    platform: event
    event_type: cube_action
      entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d000101bded
      action_type: free_fall
     service: input_select.select_option
      entity_id: input_select.cube_mode
      option: >
            {% if states.input_select.cube_mode.state == "Radio" %} Light 
            {% elif states.input_select.cube_mode.state == "Light" %} Radio
            {% endif %}  
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Thanks Bob! Btw. Are you from the China-area, or have i missed out an additional featur, forcing the Xiaomi Gateway, to play other things than China-kind of radio? :smiley: (Cause i thought that web-radio from China ONLY was the only option, and for sure other basic feature, including the alarm and so on…)

@exetico no I’m from the Netherlands. I don’t use my gateway as a speaker. I use my Chromecast radio for that and use the cube (among other triggers) to start the radio script.

Take a look at this topic if you’re interested: Chromecast radio

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Thanks again…

And the last one… I’m trying to use your sample for how to use the rotations to control the light, but i’m facing a error everytime:

2018-02-20 20:39:59 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [automation]: invalid template (TemplateSyntaxError: expected token 'end of print statement', got 'spot') for dictionary value @ data['action'][0]['data_template']['brightness']. Got None. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at

Here is my automation (All the other ones for 90 and 180 deg. works just fine):

  - alias: Cube event Brightness [Rotate]
    initial_state: 'on'
      - platform: event
        event_type: cube_action
          entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d000103a06f
          action_type: rotate
    #  - condition: state
    #    entity_id: input_select.cubemode
    #    state: 'Lights'   
      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.3spot
          brightness: >-
            {%if | float > 0 %}
            {{  states.light.3spot.attributes.brightness | int + 50 }}
            {% else %}
            {{  states.light.3spot.attributes.brightness | int - 50 }}
            {% endif %}

Are you sure your entity_id is right?

Perhaps Hass doesn’t like the numeric part. You can try three things:

  1. Try it when the light is allready on (and there is a brightness state to work with).
  2. remove the “3” (so change the name of your entity).
  3. try light['3']spot instead of light.3spot

Yes, as i can see :)?


And it works fine like this:

  - alias: Cube event flip90
      platform: event
      event_type: cube_action
        entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d000103a06f
        action_type: flip90
      - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.3spot
          brightness: 200

When in a template you have to do it like Bob’s 3rd option if you have numbers in the name.

And no I don’t have an online repo or github.

I not tried with:

  - alias: Cube event Brightness [Rotate]
    initial_state: 'on'
      - platform: event
        event_type: cube_action
          entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d000103a06f
          action_type: rotate
    #  - condition: state
    #    entity_id: input_select.cubemode
    #    state: 'Lights'   
      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.3spot
          brightness: >-
            {%if | float > 0 %}
            {{  states.light['3']spot.attributes.brightness | int + 50 }}
            {% else %}
            {{  states.light['3']spot.attributes.brightness | int - 50 }}
            {% endif %}

But the error keeps going:

2018-02-20 21:04:43 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [automation]: invalid template (TemplateSyntaxError: expected token 'end of print statement', got 'spot') for dictionary value @ data['action'][0]['data_template']['brightness']. Got None. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at

The config is confirmed OK, if i remove that part of the code, so something isn’t correct, but i’m not sure, that it is…

The automation is in a large package, with multiple other automations. Could that be the issue?
Edit: Nope… Same issue in a seperated file.

Like this …

{{ states.light[‘3spot’].attributes.brightness}}


What a miss… Sorry! And i also managed to put in ` instead of ’ after your post. What a day - i used more than two hours trying to figure out what i missed. And it’s not the first time, where i have forgotten the important stuff about [’ '] if numbers is present in the entity_id.

Again, Thanks both of you, guys! :slight_smile:

No worries I make sure I don’t have any numbers in my entity id’s because I always forget this :stuck_out_tongue:

Guess that how i would build it :smiley: I’m just preparing everything before the permanent bulb-solutions is mounted.

And… Just for all of you, trying to copy/paste my code with errors - Here is the CORRECT ONE:

  - alias: Cube event Brightness [Rotate]
    initial_state: 'on'
      - platform: event
        event_type: cube_action
          entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d000103a06f
          action_type: rotate
    #  - condition: state
    #    entity_id: input_select.cubemode
    #    state: 'Lights'   
      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.3spot
          brightness: >-
            {%if | float > 0 %}
            {{  states.light['3spot'].attributes.brightness | int + 50 }}
            {% else %}
            {{  states.light['3spot'].attributes.brightness | int - 50 }}
            {% endif %}

Mode-condition can be enabled by removing the #, and @Bob_NL provided the code for the Mode-change:

And the input in input_select.yaml:

@keithh666 - My Xiaomi Gateway yeels at me then i throw it, and the last status goes to “iam”. Is it just something i messed up in the Xiaomi app? :smiley:

Update: Changed from cube_mode to cubemode.


I think that might be the alert mode, just try dropping it into your hand, you can use any of flip90, flip180, move, tap_twice, shake_air, swing, alert, free_fall and rotate - rotate is the only one with a -/+ve number associated with it so is the only one for brightness/vol :slight_smile:

Yep! I already used on of the others :smiley:

Make sense, about the alert mode. Thanks!

Be aware of the fact that I use input_boolean.cube_mode in my setup and @keithh666 uses input_boolean.cubemode (without the underscore).
You have to make sure there are the same in your config.

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Yes! I spotted that yesterday, thanks! Just made a few edits in the post - I’m on the mobile… Hopefully all is corrected :slight_smile:

Building on the great collective work of all the previous posts, here’s my variation on using cube rotate to control volume.
I don’t have a specific media player, so I use it to control the volume on the Ubuntu machine where I play music and videos.
Volume adjust is proportional to rotation, I wanted to test that first and I find that it works fairly well.

This is the automation that controls an input number and then sends the command to the Ubuntu machine.

- id: cuberotate
  alias: Cube Rotate Volume
    platform: event
    event_type: cube_action
      entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d000117f484
      action_type: rotate
    - service: input_number.set_value
        entity_id: input_number.speakers_volume
        value: '{{ (states.input_number.speakers_volume.state | int) + ( | int) }}'
    - service: shell_command.volume_control

I used an input number in between because I couldn’t find a way for the shell command to directly take the cube rotation action value. Is it possible to read the rotation value any way other than as a trigger.event?

    name: Speakers Volume
    initial: 40
    min: 0
    max: 120
    step: 1

  volume_control: 'ssh [email protected] pactl set-sink-volume 0 {{ states.input_number.speakers_volume.state | int }}%'

Also, Has anyone figured out how to do ‘swing’ action, and how to consistently do ‘alert’?

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