RPI GPIO - Raspberry Pi 3 B+ - HassOS 1.5

Same problem with HassOS 1.7

Home Assistant

Same here “https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/15712

is there any update or info ?

Also having an GPIO issue on HassOS 1.7 32-bit with HassIO 74.2:

Successfully built rpi-rf RPi.GPIO
Installing collected packages: RPi.GPIO, rpi-rf
Successfully installed RPi.GPIO-0.6.3 rpi-rf-0.9.6
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/share/rpi-rf_receive.py", line 34, in <module>
  File "/data/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rpi_rf/rpi_rf.py", line 168, in enable_rx
    GPIO.add_event_detect(self.gpio, GPIO.BOTH)
RuntimeError: Failed to add edge detection

I have the same error even with the newest update (0.75.2)

Same here,

Used the 64 bit HassOS 76.2 version, trying to port everything to the HassOS version from the ResinOS.

Hope this can be resolved.

EDIT: I tried the 32 bit version of HassOS 76.2 and here the rpi-rf component works flawlessly.

Doesn’t work for me (RPi 3B), downloaded the latest 32-bit image (2.2 develop), installed it and made an “update” (1.10 production). Still RPi-RF Addon failing :confused:

@Koen: did you stay on 2.2 develop?

Where did you download it. I don’t use a beta version. Just from the HassOS download page. https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio/installation/
Than the recommended version. This should also be the latest version.

Hope this helps.

I downloaded this

Is there any update on this problem?

That is also what I used.

What I also tried when homeassistant was live in a clean version, was to write a simple rpi-rf component with buttons and let it load. To check if the error occurs.

In my case, it was properly functional.

If this does not help, I cannot help you further, since the 32-bit recommended version solved it for me)


May I ask what GPIOs are you using?I’ve had some difficulties hooking up a DHT, looks like I could use just some pins.

I try to use GPIO 27

Same on 0.77.3 64 bits…
I think it´s a docker related issue…too bad…

Did you tried the rpi_gpio component?

Moved to the 32 bit version and it works fine.

On rpi3b 64 HassOS 1.13, Hass.io supervisor 140, hass 0.82.1 not working.

rpi_gpio component not working.

anyone find solution on 64bit?

So the tenor is the GPIO component is working with 32bit images but not with 64bit based ones? Did I get that right?

Any updates on this?
I want to setup new instance and I was wondering which version to choose (32/64 bits) now the choice is obvious.

Hi, Can anyone give an update on if GPIO will work on Hassos on RPI (32bit)? I am trying to get the Opensprinkler addon working… https://github.com/stefanlaheij/hassio-addons/tree/master/OpenSprinkler


Yes, GPIOs works fine on 32bit system. I use them for custom thermostat based on DS18B20 and relays.