I had GPIO 17 and 27 reversed for the transmitter and receiver. I just had some codes come through for the first time. Thanks for the help and thanks for making the add-on.
After doing a bunch of testing, I am mostly seeing noise from my noise sensors. They are from an existing ADT alarm system, so I wonder if the codes change. These are the sensors: Wireless Door/Window Contact - WS4945, Intrusion Detector | DSC Security Products | DSC
I used the Raspberry Pi RF Switch component with GPIO 17 to send out the 433MHz signals.
I put this in my configuration.yaml file:
- platform: rpi_rf
gpio: 17
code_on: 1234567
code_off: 7654321
signal_repetitions: 30
I had to increase the signal repititions to get the code every time. As you can see there is still a lot of noise and variation in the code, pulse width and protocol.
2018-01-27 21:19:56 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1234567 [pulselength 359, protocol 1]
2018-01-27 21:19:56 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1234567 [pulselength 154, protocol 3]
2018-01-27 21:19:56 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 4096 [pulselength 1134, protocol 2]
2018-01-27 21:19:56 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1234567 [pulselength 356, protocol 1]
2018-01-27 21:19:56 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 602 [pulselength 365, protocol 1]
2018-01-27 21:19:57 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 8192 [pulselength 1876, protocol 4]
2018-01-27 21:19:57 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1234567 [pulselength 353, protocol 1]
2018-01-27 21:19:57 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1234567 [pulselength 355, protocol 1]
2018-01-27 21:19:57 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1024 [pulselength 1059, protocol 4]
2018-01-27 21:19:59 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 401408 [pulselength 1498, protocol 4]
2018-01-27 21:20:16 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1 [pulselength 1846, protocol 4]
2018-01-27 21:20:16 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1048576 [pulselength 1867, protocol 4]
2018-01-27 21:20:16 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 16 [pulselength 1073, protocol 4]
2018-01-27 21:20:16 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 512 [pulselength 1104, protocol 2]
2018-01-27 21:20:16 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 16384 [pulselength 794, protocol 5]
2018-01-27 21:20:17 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 7654321 [pulselength 355, protocol 1]
2018-01-27 21:20:17 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 7654321 [pulselength 155, protocol 3]
2018-01-27 21:20:17 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 6605745 [pulselength 156, protocol 3]
2018-01-27 21:22:06 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 4 [pulselength 220, protocol 1]
2018-01-27 21:22:28 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 32768 [pulselength 924, protocol 4]
2018-01-27 21:22:43 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1025 [pulselength 1109, protocol 4]
2018-01-27 21:24:34 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1048576 [pulselength 2485, protocol 4]
2018-01-27 21:24:34 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1234567 [pulselength 156, protocol 3]
2018-01-27 21:24:34 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1234567 [pulselength 155, protocol 3]
2018-01-27 21:24:35 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1048576 [pulselength 785, protocol 5]
2018-01-27 21:24:35 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1234567 [pulselength 157, protocol 3]
2018-01-27 21:24:35 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1234566 [pulselength 156, protocol 3]
2018-01-27 21:24:35 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1234567 [pulselength 354, protocol 1]
2018-01-27 21:24:44 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 272 [pulselength 754, protocol 5]
2018-01-27 21:24:44 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1282 [pulselength 667, protocol 5]
2018-01-27 21:24:44 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1048576 [pulselength 2482, protocol 4]
2018-01-27 21:24:44 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 119598 [pulselength 155, protocol 3]
2018-01-27 21:24:45 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 7654321 [pulselength 158, protocol 3]
2018-01-27 21:24:45 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 256 [pulselength 1827, protocol 4]
2018-01-27 21:24:45 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 7652273 [pulselength 159, protocol 3]
2018-01-27 21:24:50 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 32768 [pulselength 92, protocol 3]
I am using these components:
There are the ones linked to in this Bruh video:
This automation was handy to test the Transmitter talking to the Receiver.
- id: rf_433_test_on
alias: RF 433MHz On
platform: template
value_template: >-
{%- if is_state('sensor.rf_receiver', '1234567') -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
- service: homeassistant.turn_on
- input_boolean.test1
When you were able to get transmission through 3 walls, what did you use for an antenna? What was the transmitting source?