RSS feed for fuel prices?

So something I check regularly that would be nice to have in HomeAssistant would be local fuel prices.
I have found the RSS feed from here
And it has some parameters so I can narrow down the search to my local area and type of fuel I am after. This is all great but looking at home assistant components I can only find the FeedReader component and this dosen’t look like what I am after.

Can anyone give me some hints on where I should be looking to display the results of the RSS feed on a panel on home assistant?

It would be good to show just the title of each item but being able to break it down in to price, brand and trading name may come in handy.

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Although it more designed for html content and I’ve not tried it with an xml, first thing that comes to mind is multiple Scrape Sensors.

Old thread I know but did you have any luck with this? (another West Aussie here)

Hi Dave, Unfortunately i never got round to this and HA has had to take a bit of a back seat due to time. :sleepy:

All good. I just stumbled upon someone else’s code for this. Setting it up now

Install the feedparser custom component via HACS.

Add the sensors.

  - platform: feedparser
    name: RSS Fuel Watch ULP
    feed_url: ''
    show_topn: 5
    date_format: '%a, %b %d %I:%M %p'
      - title
      - description
      - price
      - link
      - item
      - brand
      - date
      - trading-name
      - location
      - address
      - language
  - platform: feedparser

    name: RSS Fuel Watch ULP98
    feed_url: ''
    show_topn: 5
    date_format: '%a, %b %d %I:%M %p'
      - title
      - description
      - price
      - link
      - item
      - brand
      - date
      - trading-name
      - location
      - address
      - language

  - platform: feedparser
    name: RSS Fuel Watch Diesel
    feed_url: ''
    show_topn: 5
    date_format: '%a, %b %d %I:%M %p'
      - title
      - description
      - price
      - link
      - item
      - brand
      - date
      - trading-name
      - location
      - address
      - language
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how does it display?

Using the custom list card

  - field: title
    title: Cheapest Today
entity: sensor.rss_fuel_watch_ulp
feed_attribute: entries
title: Fuelwatch ULP
type: 'custom:list-card'


I’m still playing around with it. There’s a lot more info that can be shown but I’ve gone with simplicity for now.


That’s great, really impressed.

I’m just working on bringing in the ‘tomorrow’ prices as well.

EDIT: Here it is!


  - platform: feedparser
    name: RSS Fuel Watch ULP
    feed_url: ''
    show_topn: 5
    date_format: '%a, %b %d %I:%M %p'
      - title
      - description
      - price
      - link
      - item
      - brand
      - date
      - trading-name
      - location
      - address
      - language

  - platform: feedparser
    name: RSS Fuel Watch ULP Tomorrow
    feed_url: ''
    show_topn: 5
    date_format: '%a, %b %d %I:%M %p'
      - title
      - description
      - price
      - link
      - item
      - brand
      - date
      - trading-name
      - location
      - address
      - language


type: 'custom:stack-in-card'
title: Fuelwatch - Unleaded
mode: vertical
  - type: 'custom:list-card'
      - field: title
        title: Today
    entity: sensor.rss_fuel_watch_ulp
    feed_attribute: entries
  - type: 'custom:list-card'
      - field: title
        title: Tomorrow
    entity: sensor.rss_fuel_watch_ulp_tomorrow
    feed_attribute: entries


I’m still playing around with the Lovelace config to try and make it look better.


Now I’m happier :slight_smile:

type: 'custom:stack-in-card'
mode: vertical
  - type: picture
    image: /local/images/fuelwatch.jpg
  - type: markdown
    content: Today
  - type: 'custom:list-card'
      - field: title
        title: Location
      - field: address
        title: Address
    entity: sensor.rss_fuel_watch_diesel
    feed_attribute: entries
  - type: markdown
    content: Tomorrow
  - type: 'custom:list-card'
      - field: title
        title: Location
      - field: address
        title: Address
    entity: sensor.rss_fuel_watch_diesel_tomorrow
    feed_attribute: entries



My new card is too long to grab in one screenshot but looks great and scrolls fine for viewing:

Here’s the top part of it. You get the idea.

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That’s so awesome, hope all this is helpful for others that may be in WA like us.
Just makes me wish i had time to setup HA again :frowning:

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was on my list of integrations to do this months… now it’s just a copy and paste …
Thanks for your work :slight_smile:

No worries. If you go to the Fuelwatch website there is a section that explains how to edit the RSS feed to your liking. You can select which product you want, location, etc.

still trying to install HACS , on a docker install

hey stumbled across, this, does this work for any feed?? anyone got something for queensland?

It should work on any RSS feed.

I had a quick search and found a site offering an API, so not to be used by the RSS feed reader but potentially a better solution if someone was to integrate to HA.

@sparkydave so here I was trying to figure out how to set up Fuel Watch on my dashboard after seeing yours, couldn’t figure it out so started searching these topics… And look who pops up haha cheers!

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is there a way to get the data to show up as just a sensor? so they can be graphed or had logic done on them (eg price drop notifications)?

I have no idea why but I’m struggling to get this working on my setup??

Apologies I’m very new to home assistant