RTC for HA Core on RPi?

I don’t see a definitive answer on here or anywhere else. Is it possible to add RTC to a Pi so Home Assistant fully works when internet is down? I have a Ds3231 RTC that connects to the Pi GPIO. I also have a GPS USB dongle.

Only if you aren’t running hassos, you can add the necessary modules to raspberry OS for example.

Edit: This requires supervised install on generic Linux (or whatever its called now :crazy_face: )
This is not a ‘supported’ installation type.
But it’s a common method so the community supports it

I find it so weird that HA positions itself as a local solution but doesn’t fully function offline on its most widely used platform (Core on Pi)… Only due to not being able to work with a local NTP server or RTC addons.

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You have a point there.

I think they concentrated on a minimal operating system (less to go wrong) but I agree with your argument and they have missed a trick there as ‘time’ is pretty critical to most automations.

But look at the number of people who run duckdns with no local access (I would not be prepared to do that)

Yes, basically when there’s outage, I can’t even control most lights (with LAN control, mind you, not cloud-based), which is… suboptimal.

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Raise it as a feature request for hassio, I’d vote for it.

I just did, look: Support for RTC and NTP on Pi+HA Core