Is there a way to get RTSP on an ESP32-CAM using ESPHome?
It was disarmingly simple to get the camera going, but I would like to take a further step to feed the input into Frigate and need an RTSP feed for that. I did find various projects like but none really works well (in this case, the WiFi pairing is simply broken). and I would love to have the simplicity of ESPHome.
Did you try this yet?
ESP32 Camera Web Server Component
component allows you to use expose web server of ESP32-based camera boards in ESPHome that directly can be integrated into external surveillance or PVR software.
Thank you, @ninjalife - This is a critical step in the right direction. I don’t know how I had missed it.
Now the problem becomes how to massage ffmpeg parameters, which is a completely different issue,
With this, I have recording even if I don’t have intelligence (detection and recognition) yet.
the “ESP32 Camera Web Server” component uses MJPEG to stream the captured images.
MJPEG needs to be transcoded inside frigate into RTSP which will lead into an increased CPU utilization.
A native RTSP stream coming out of ESPHome would be much more applicable.
Any updates to this? I want to have it connected to scrypted but seems impossible with MJPEG stream format
With ESPHome it’s not possible right now: we are only able to connect the camera to HA API directly or stream it as MJEPG using the Camera Web Server Component.
However, I found this project on github, it supports RTSP and HTTP protocols.