✔️🏃Run On Startup.d

Like I said, I am new to this and I am just starting to feel around how docker containers work. I was kinda surprised that Home assistant did not have a native way to mount network shares, However maybe that should not be that surprising as google home has no way to interact with local media servers either.

I used portainer to edit the volumes and redeployed without the /sys/firmware/devicetree/base volume mapped ant that seems to have done the trick.

So it’s working now? Was it a default option or something you did earlier?

I thought I had it working, I used portainer to remove the offending volume from the container and then saved over the existing container. At that point it showed as started in portainer but not in the supervisor. At which point I restarted the VM and the offending volume came back (not sure if the change I made in portainer got overwritten on the reboot, Still figuring things out. What is odd is that the container for “run on startup.d” was the only container that referenced /sys/firmware/devicetree/base so I am not sure where it is coming from.

Ok I figured out where it is coming from. In your config.json you have “devicetree”: true,
according to the addon documentation https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/add-ons/configuration

devicetree bool If this is set to True, /device-tree will map into add-on.

Does this addon need that set to true?

Updated. I figure if I’m getting a 1 for security, I may as well take all the permissions.

I will give it a try again tommorow

Still working through getting this to work in other containers. Haven’t had a lot of time lately. One thing I’ve noticed though is even though I have the retain logs setting set to FALSE, it still seems to append the existing logs at every restart instead of replacing them.

It starts fine now, Thanks for that. Now the hard work can start…

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Looks like we’re going to need to try different methods of starting scripts. Can you point me at the repository you’re using?

The repository I’m using? Are you talking about this:


No. I mean which Frigate repo are you using?


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Please forgive my lack of Linux skills but reading the thread gives me hope that I can use this to link HA to my NAS such that the HA Media Browser will be able to access the music on my NAS.

If my NAS is at with a share drive of \music\, how would I create a script to mount that to HA at startup for use in the Media Browser?

Is it basiclaly just a matter of replacing the username, password, IP address and directory in your example above?

…but which container file do I need to create that in? homeassistant.sh?

Yes. It is.

After turn on Create Example option and restart the add-on , no startup folder or startup.d file created in the /config folder…
I run HA in a Rasperry Pi4 with Hasson (HA image for Pi4)
from log:
[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc…exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms…exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes…
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts…
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
Testing Docker access.
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
You must disable protection mode. sleeping…

Disable protection mode.

I am using this add-on (0.8), Intel NUC supervised mode - and it works when I reboot the host. However, when I restart only HA Core, the homeassistant.sh script doesn’t seem to execute. Is this expected behaviour? Thanks

Yes I think so. startup.d is a OS start only thing, HA runs on top of that OS level.

Thanks. I am using this add-on to mount NFS drives at startup and it seems like with the add-on installed, I can’t update the Home Assistant core to a new version (using UI or using “ha core update”). I am getting following error in supervisor log. But no obvious errors or warnings before or after the log lines below:

hassio.docker] Can't create container from homeassistant: 409 Client Error: Conflict ("Conflict. The container name "/homeassistant" is already in use by container "c9910f8be39b8d6bde9bfae9262979c36e9 b9c84cae2072dc0f24098bd49ae0a". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.")

If I remove this add-on, I am able to upgrade the core. I have verified this over the last two release of HASS core (21.4.4) and (21.4.3).

Hi, I’ve just run into the same issue as Jatin above on the 21.4.6 version.