Running a shell command from Home Assistant to remote linux PC

I tried but the same problem
If I log in with this user it works

You tried with the path from „/“ for synopkg?

Add full Path to synopkg (which synopkg should show the full path)

That is what I wrote here:

still the same issue
I guess it is more a rights problem with the ssh login

ah. I had the wrong path. seems to work now

Good to hear!

Hi! thank you for youe post, I’m trying to follow, and in stage 4 I’m getting this error:

bash-5.1# ssh-copy-id -i /config/ssh/ [email protected]
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/config/ssh/"
mktemp: (null): No such file or directory
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: failed to create required temporary directory under ~/.ssh

any idea what can be the sorceof the problem?


Is pi a root user?
You could try and mkdir ~/.ssh first on the remote machine. I don’t remember if it already existed.

I would like to add, if someone is still encountering issues:

In my case the shell command couldn’t resolve local hostnames.

The terminal add-on could ssh to pi@raspberrypi, but the shell command was giving errors. Checked the log (debug) and saw that I had to use [email protected].***

Very Helpful!!! works!

shutdown_pi_103: ssh -i /config/ssh/id_rsa -o UserKnownHostsFile=/config/ssh/known_hosts [email protected] 'sudo poweroff' 2> /config/command.log is for debugging

Gives me an error in my command.log: “Too many arguments.”

@Nikotine thanks so much!! This was really bugging me for a long time and finally the perfect instruction! One hint: At first it still didn’t work, but than I restarted the HA container completely (not only reloading the configuration.yaml) and THEN it worked!!

I had the same problem with “ERROR: failed to create required temporary directory under ~/.ssh” and came across this solution that seemed to work for me:

Apparently ssh-copy-id when its mktemp sees ~/.ssh it thinks that means /root/.ssh, so you just need to create directory .ssh under /root, that solved it for me

(From thread on Stack Exchange)