Running commands on the host without ssh

Trying to use it, but get the following error in the home assistant log:

Timed out running command: echo apc_sua1000xli_unmute > /config/pipes/host_executor_queue, after: 60s
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/asyncio/”, line 501, in _wait_for_data
await self._waiter

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/shell_command/”, line 87, in async_service_handler
stdout_data, stderr_data = await process.communicate()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/asyncio/”, line 195, in communicate
stdin, stdout, stderr = await tasks.gather(stdin, stdout, stderr)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/shell_command/”, line 86, in async_service_handler
async with async_timeout.timeout(COMMAND_TIMEOUT):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/async_timeout/”, line 129, in aexit
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/async_timeout/”, line 212, in _do_exit
raise asyncio.TimeoutError

If to run the script directly in the terminal on the host it works

Looks like you don’t have the monitor script running. If there is nothing reading from the queue, anything trying to write to it will block. FYI you can test the monitor script by running it in the foreground:


It works!!! Were errors in the “”. I had forgotten the closing parentheses at the end of a line in new cases and it prevented the script from running. Thank you!

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Thanks for that great suggenstion. I messed around with ugly SSH from container to the host and found this thread. Am I correct to create the named pipe inside the path of the volume mounted in the container?

My usecase is a bit different, but I think this will work with some of your help.
I have a shell_command with an argument.

  update_container: /bin/bash /config/shell_command/ {{ container_name }}

Script is for updating docker containers including homeassistant itself. It cannot run inside the container, as it would stop itself by stopping the container. I think running this on the host would work. But no idea how to give and process the argument from homeassistant to the monitor-script on the host.

Maybe I would change my shell_command like this and pass the “container_name” to the service call as data.

  update_container: echo update_container {{ container_name }}

But how can the monitoring script evaluate the argument and pass it to the script?
A simple idea would be, to define cases like update_container <container_name> for each container in the monitoring script and hardcode the arguments. But this seems not well maintainable.
Maybe you have an better idea how to modify the monitoring script.

Great, thanks for sharing this @navels !!

I only tweaked your script a bit in my env in order to get it generic and allow any script to be launched without being required to update and relaunch the monitoring pipe script for each new script you’d need and also getting default logging. I just expect any command send to the pipe is matching with a script existing in the HA folder. :


while true; do
  if read line < $pipe; then
        $ha_home/$ >> $ha_home/$line.log 2>&1


  create_zip: 'echo create_zip > /config/pipes/host_executor_queue'

will trigger the script within home assistant home folder

btw, the nohup was not immediately recognized on my ubuntu host, just running it with ./$HOME/bin/ >&/dev/null & and added @reboot $HOME/bin/ into crontab -e


I’m confused by this on multiple levels.

First: on the host, there is no /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant folder
So I assumed I needed to create it.
Then the pipe at /config/pipes/host_executor_queue doesn’t exist, because I put it in the newly created folder.

I’m new to docker, but then I went into my container with this command:
docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash

and when I try the echo some_script > /config/pipes/host_executor_queue command, it can’t find the pipe. So I decided to make the pipe in my home assistant config folder under a new folder pipes. and direct to it instead

echo some_script > pipes/host_executor_queue

I’ve had no luck thus far. Here is the example of my machine

echo echo_world > pipes/host_executor_queue

which is this in the script.



while true; do
  if read line < $pipe; then
    case $line in
        echo 'hello world' > output.txt

but it doesn’t work

How did you install HA? Where is your configuration.yaml file located?

I solved it, I was a permission issue with the output.txt location. I installed with Docker, config folder is in /home/username/.homeassistant. I was actually coming back to this message to delete my question. but For anyone else struggling with pipes

I followed these steps:
my configuration.yaml file is in ~/.homeassistant

sudo mkdir ~/.homeassistant/pipes
cd ~/.homeassistant/pipes
sudo mkfifo host_executor_queue
sudo mkdir ~/.homeassistant/pipe_output
sudo chown username:username ~/.homeassistant/pipe_output
sudo nano $HOME/bin/

It seems that for it to work, the folder that the temp.txt was written to must be owned by the admin user, not root
Then I made the .sh file same as above with the addition of the output.txt



while true; do
  if read line < $pipe; then
    case $line in
        ps -e | grep -oc 'process_name' > /home/username/.homeassistant/pipe_output/output.txt

then my shell command is

echo process_check > /config/pipes/host_executor_queue ; cat /config/pipe_output/temp.txt

I did notice that there is a delay in getting a response, so my shell command required a sleep to let the write to the temp.txt happen. which is:

echo echo_world > /config/pipes/host_executor_queue ; sleep 0.5 ; cat /config/pipe_output/temp.txt

This did what I needed

Of course, this is a ridiculous process for something that I am assuming exists as an integration within HA itself, so I am all ears for other ideas

For anyone interested, this SSHCommand might be intersting, as it won’t require to open any SSH ports on your router. The SSH command towards your host server (running the HA Docker) will be launched within your local network.

this is awesome, very clever and worked so easily, thanks for sharing!

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Hi Lee, thanks for sharing this interesting trick.

Does the fact that you are running this infinite “while” loop on your host have any performance problems? Could it be better to add a few seconds pause for example?

(Depending how time cricital your script is ofcourse).

No, the while loop is paused at the read step until a command is ready to run (written to the pipe).

Isn’t the “if read” check being performed as fast as possible? Constantly, until a matching command is found in the pipe?

No, “read” blocks until there is data to read.

Ah I wasn’t aware of this in bash. Do you have a link for where this blocking behaviour is documented? Thanks for clearing that up.

One line is read from the standard input…

If you need further help on this point I’d suggest experimenting with some scripting, starting with typing “read” into a terminal.

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Did you have to install crontab manually on the host?

I receive the following error after ssh’ing into the Home Assistant host:


I would’ve expected it to be installed by default, and can’t find anyone else on the forum encountering missing crontab command.

Did you have to install crontab manually on the host?

No but this was on Raspbian v11 Linux, not HAOS.

Ah my apologies.

I can see one of the first things you wrote in the post was “a container-based HA install”.

Makes sense now.