Running HassOS as an LXD/LXC virtual machine

Hi guys, so far I managed to run the operating system on an LXD virtual machine but I still have some problems. This is what I did so far:

After installing LXD using Snap and initializing it:

  1. Downloaded HA OS qcow2 image from here
  2. Created a metadata.yaml file with the following contents:
architecture: x86_64
creation_date: 1624888256
  description: Home Assistant image
  os: Debian
  release: buster 10.10
  1. Compress the metadata.yaml file: tar -cvzf metadata.tar.gz metadata.yaml
  2. Create the LXC image: lxc image import metadata.tar.gz haos_ova.qcow2 --alias hassio
  3. Create LXC VM from the imported image: lxc launch hassio ha --vm -c security.secureboot=false

At this point I can do lxc console ha to get into the HA OS VM’s console. Two problems I have right now.

  1. Once I get into the console and login as root (without password), I go straight into the # prompt, skipping the hassio prompt.
  2. The IP address is not obtained for the instance from outside the VM. I need this of course to access Home Assistant service on the browser.

Any help with this is greatly appreciated! I also posted in here for assistance:

VM from disk Image - LXD - Linux Containers Forum
LXD create VM for Hassio · Issue #118 · whiskerz007/proxmox_hassos_install (