Running two Insteon hubs in one HA account


I’m new here because of the Insteon shutdown. I’m glad I found Home Assistant. I have it running on a Windows 10 laptop and recognizing my devices. Mobile app is working.

Is it possible to run two Insteon hubs in one Home Assistant account? If so any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Yes you may be able to add two instances of the integration.

I’m interested in this as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

On the Devices & Services / Integrations page, can you use the Add Integration button (lower right) to add a second instance of the integration?

Another Insteon orphan with the same situation. I have not downloaded HA yet.

Clicking the Add Integration button returns the following error message: “Aborted, Already configured. Only a single configuration possible.”

I’m trying to figure out how to get the two hubs into one account so that I don’t have to pay twice for the HA cloud service.

It does not support two hubs

I tried from a fresh HA install at the initial configuration screen. On trying to add the second hub I got the following message:


Already configured. Only a single configuration possible”

Any work arounds or is there a feature request?

I use several Insteon devices, but instead of using the HA Insteon integration, I use the Insteon-MQTT custom component for use with HA via MQTT. So in theory, you could have the HA Insteon integration talking to one Hub, and the Insteon-MQTT custom component talking to a second Hub and then configure HA for all the MQTT Insteon devices that would be made available via the Insteon-MQTT custom component.

Here are a few links of interest:
The main github respository here,
A document specific to the hub here
The HA Community thread on the Insteon-MQTT here

There is some information about the developer that is improving the Insteon integration here, I suggest you reach out to them about the multiple hub requirement. If you search the forum it is not an uncommon request:

EDIT: Or better yet, here:

I have two Hubs but I have two HA systems. I am doing this mostly for testing beta versions of Insteon. You could do some HA to HA communication that could allow some things through MQTT but then you might as well use MQTT. See Two HA instances - how to communicate between them? - #13 by ReneTode