Russound MCA88 and MCA88x

Looking to get some general information on integration of MCA 88 with home assistant. i ve read that it is possible. has anyone ever done it??

Have you tried with the Russound RNET integration? I do not have a Russound, I have a Dayton Audio DAX88 8x8 which uses Xantech interface. It appears to me that the RNET integration has a custom one from looking at GitHub - laf/russound: Russound RNET Python module

Like this command appears to be powering up a zone:

 _LOGGER.debug("Begin - controller= %s, zone= %s, change power to %s",controller, zone, power)
        send_msg = self.create_send_message("F0 @cc 00 7F 00 00 @kk 05 02 02 00 00 F1 23 00 @pr 00 @zz 00 01", controller, zone, power)

The Xantech one is considerably easier …

    zone_status:   '?{zone}'

    set_power:     '<{zone}PR{power:02}' # power: 1 = on; 0 = off
    power_on:      '<{zone}PR01'
    power_off:     '<{zone}PR00'

    set_mute:      '<{zone}MU{mute:02}'  # mute: 1 = on; 0 = off
    mute_on:       '<{zone}MU01'
    mute_off:      '<{zone}MU00'

    set_volume:    '<{zone}VO{volume:02}'   # volume: 0-38
    set_treble:    '<{zone}TR{treble}:02}'  # treble: 0-14
    set_bass:      '<{zone}BS{bass:02}'     # bass: 0-14
    set_balance:   '<{zone}BL{balance:02}'  # balance: 0-20
    set_source:    '<{zone}CH{source:02}'   # source: 0-6

It also allows full control power up/down zone, changing zone source, muting, vol up/down on zone as well as all bass, treble and balance controls.

These interfaces typically require (or I should say work best) when the unit is connected to your Home Assistant server via USB to Serial cable. My DAX88 is connected that way and performs perfect. You have to check first the specs of the required connection cable and be sure the USB to Serial cable you are getting is wired correctly (the DAX88 comes with one so that was solved on purchase).

thanks for your reply. do you know if theres a way to integrate without having to use the USB cable? through just script and IP address??

I am not sure others have implemented it but you can ask here:

From the documentation:

I do not have the need or desire since my Home Assistant hardware and my DAX88 are co-located in the same cabinet.