RV'ers & Boaters Using OpenWeatherMap Integration

What do you think of adding a Option to the Configure Button that would allow updating the latitude and longitude to what is currently in your configuration file?

We RV’ers can update our lat and long using the “service: homeassistant.set_location” but we have to delete the integration and reinstall it for the integration to see the new location.

This applies to boaters as well. Just updated my location “manually” last week.

Great idea! Planning for the future to have an RV with HA. This would be great.

From my perspective, any service or integration that requires a location (lat/lon) during setup should use the “home” location values. Or, have a configuration option during setup to update the location with “home” location updates.

Any way that it’s implemented is better than what it is today. I have tried nearly every weather service that is supported or in HACS, but none of them work. The best thing I have today is the Weather Radar card that uses the “home” location (lat/lon) and updates as I use the “service: homeassistant.set_location”.

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Sure, it could also be beneficial for electric vehicles (EVs) to estimate their range etc. based on the current weather conditions in the car’s location.

This would be a fantastic addition +1

I would also love this functionality. Seems like an oversight that it is not the default behavior.

We also live in our RV, and I set the location dynamically from the GPS in our Pepwave router. We move every couple of weeks in spring, summer and fall. It gets very annoying to have to delete and reinstall the weather integrations to pull the correct location.

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It would also be nice to have altitude in the set location service. I think solar forecast uses this which also needs to be deleted and reinstalled whenever I move.