Samba Update where is the filepath now?

where do you look ?, in which program/addon

I am lookin Windows in my SMB share, which I can access either with the IP or \homeassistant. but notably the file still has the data from 16:19 before it stopped and also to prove a point the HA table hasn’t updated

report a bug in NodeRed

ridiculously I can write to the \share\ folder perfectly and that does change, however I cannot use that folder in the config as a resource

bc that not \config ( the old \config …in samba !) which is now, in samba, just a “symlink” to /homeassistant, in the “container” …inside the container, SSH, you can use either /config or /homeassistant you come to the same place

I am sorry, I am trying my best to get my head around this, but at the age of 72, I am completely lost. I cannot understand what the new correct path should be to the old www/community/ folder. Nor do I understand that NR seemingly writes a file but it is nowhere to be found. I think i will just turn it all off, I have spent ages getting a decent thing working well and this is is just beyond me.

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OK so finally I have discovered that I can write a file to the ‘config’ folder and see the file, but I cannot write a file to any other folder either inside the config folder or media or share. So if I alter my resource pasth I am hoping it will work. but it does seem useless that I cant write to anywhere else, which I always used to be able to do. What a retregrade step this is.

I partly understand you, there has been some twist and turns in regards to this " ongoing change" , maybe they just forgot about nodered, but basically in Samba(in windows) you should see \config, as before , it brings you to /homeassistant , so nothing visual changed
Through SSH you can use either ( as you then can use the “temporary” symlinks.

How the “end result” will be, i don’t know, i do however know that "some ways/for some “nodes/apps” they will read symlinks as a file, and not a directory

In such cases one have to “address” the actual folder-name, which is now /homeassistant (where as the old was /config ) … however, i also stopped to “wonder”, they might just have mapped/mounted the other way around, so what you see in “file-editor” might infact still be " /config " mapped/mounted in the /homeassistant …im not surprised that yet another “issue” occur do to this current ongoing “re-modelling”

Just to visualize how the “symlink” in /homeassistant will result in through Samba
I click the Share /config , then click on the /homeassistant(symlink) in my "/config (old name) , but now named /homeassistant

The path and the “varios” symlinks currently in use, can cause quite some confusions, not only in our heads, but also in various “codes”

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Well I am completely lost I must say, I can write back to ‘share’ folder just using

You look as if you have homeassistant in the config folder in the SAMBA link … I don’t see any reference to the folder homeassistant !!!

Sadly the resource folder now does not work so although I now have an updated file I cannot use the REST http:// resource as I cannot find that path either.

You know sometimes things just get changed for changes sake, it’s a bit like the apps on my phone that are sometomes update only 3 days apart. If it aint broke don’t fix it.
This has screwed all my Weather/ Tide/ Aircraft/ISS/PVsolar, so the whole of Home Assistant does not work anymore and is useless

Incidentally if anyone has any bright ideas what the resouce link should be now that would also be helpful
this is the old REST link


ok, thats not a file-path, but an url !

Yes I know it is, I didnt say it was a file path. The REST uses an html resource as its reference link, however it doesn’t work now in any form I can discover.
this is in the config.yaml (the url link as it used to be)

  - platform: rest
    name: planes
    value_template: >
      {{ value_json.airplanes | length }}
    method: GET
    scan_interval: 20
      - "airplanes"
      - "flight"
      - "height"
      - "speed"
      - "dir"
      - "lat"
      - "lon"
      - "alt"
      - "km"
      - "nm"
      - "azimuth"
      - "elev_angle"

so you mean you have clicked/used the link i showed you ?, and it didn’t work ?

PS: i dont know where you found reference to using an url like the one you have, you should never use or expose folders below …www (also here in HA called /local ) , no need for www or whatever named folder below

yes but that takes me to the original place where the old file is. I can’t write to that folder anymore since this update, I can only write to the config folder and that wont give me access to the file

yes that what you request, " GET ", an url , a json-file to read from

So what/where does the “Write” occur, you say you can, you can’t, and i have no idea what you are trying do to where and how.
How do you try to Write ???, WHERE, in Samba ?, in an editor on your Windows machine ?

You GET the json, by changing to /local, instead of /config/www (maybe you do anyway, i dont know)

Back to the beginning.
Node Red grabs the raw data from my aicraft receiver and processes it to give me added funbctionality distance,azimuth,elevation and more.
I then have to devise a method of getting that information into HA.
HA is running on a Pi with the Node Red as an addon on that machine.
I am writing a JSON formatted file to the HA folder local/community/skyware, where I was accessing the file as a url resource.

Now I am unable to write to that location from Node Red
“failed to write to file: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/config/local/community/skyware/airdata.json’”
If the file appears to write to any HA folder, unless I write it to the config folder it is not saved.

Having found the config folder is the ONLY place I can save it/update it and read it, I now need to get the config.yaml to read the http file as a resource.

I am using my Windows computer to access both HA/NodeRed and the files being sent from my aircraft pi and the HA pi.

Exactly What writes this? Is this node red or something else?

Edit you’re dealing with a multilayer virtual file system. I’m trying to paint a picture of who’s writing from where because On purpose you should not be able tonwrite to the HA core copy of /config. You’re writing to your copy of config for the addon but the OS (HA) is making them look like the same folder.

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So where did you wrote this file-path ?, in which settings does this comes from ?

I can manually write anywhere(through samba or SSH, as im Root, and my integrations have the same credentials, if not set othervice

Yes Node Red writes my JSON file to the folder, as the message above states

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I used to be able to write anywhere, but now I can’t
PS I can write anywhere in Windows

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Yes on purpose. Ok so NR collects JSON and writes to that location how are you writing filesystem, FTP or?