Same Zigbee device, different recognition


I have 2 HA servers, one in my usual house and one in the village.

The same model of zigbee socket behaves differently in both environments. In my usual house it is recognized as a switch socket.

However, in the village it is recognized as a light and the control is assigned to the light domain (light.TZ3000…). And also in the device settings the “Show as” field does not appear where I could change it.

The only difference I see is that the controller in the main house is a SkyConnect and the one in the village is a Sonoff Plus V2.

Could it be the coordinator?

Can I change the socket in the village so that it is recognized as a switch socket?


Is it the same device, or 2 different devices. If different devices and you’re using the same ZigBee installation in both locations, check if the model is different. It’s probably after the tz3000, the part which you left out.


Are the same: TS011F_TZ3000_okaz9tjs

This weekend i’ll bring one of city to village for test.


Don’t know if this is the case for this device, but some have an on-device setting to tell what device is plugged in. Maybe this device has one too?

Hmm, that’s strange. Are you running ZHA in both installations, or is one of them using Z2MQTT?

Both with ZHA

Is what i think, but i can’t find it.

In city i see in settings of device the line “Show as…” where i can select light or switch (and more). But in village this line dont appear.

I have just discover a diference. In city i have this to fix some problem. I dont remember now,


I’ll investigate

Ok, so you either manually installed the ZHA quirk for that device and forgot to do the same on your other instance, or else the other installation isn’t recognising there’s a quirk available for your other device.

This usually happens if the device model doesn’t match, so I will ask again - are you absolutely sure both devices are TZ3000_okaz9tjs? Even one letter will make a difference.

City device:

Village device:

City ID=switch: (with “Mostrar como (Show how)”

Village ID=light.

Ok, then that narrows it down:

  • Either your Village installation is on an older version of HA (you don’t seem to have the “Mostrar Como” (Show As) option which was added in the past year. OR
  • You loaded a quirk manually in your City installation and forgot. OR
  • Both of the above.

Either way, your village installation isn’t recognising that a quirk is available for your model. Given the fact that ZHA updates enable this, and that they’re bundled with HA updates, then you need to update your core version of HA in the village installation.

I am so confused. I think I have all updated…


I am in the initial phase of setting up the village server. I’m thinking of starting all over again.

Thanks por your help.

My last test was to take a plug device from the village to the city. When I added it I saw that it behaves the same, that is, the problem seems to be in the device itself despite being completely identical.

I downloaded a debug file and I see differences between both devices:

The one that behaves well (like a plug) is like this:

“data”: {
“ieee”: “REDACTED”,
“nwk”: 52032,
“manufacturer”: “_TZ3000_okaz9tjs”,
“model”: “TS011F”,
“name”: “_TZ3000_okaz9tjs TS011F”,
“quirk_applied”: true,
“quirk_class”: “zhaquirks.tuya.ts011f_plug.Plug_v2”,
“quirk_id”: “tuya.plug_on_off_attributes”,
“manufacturer_code”: 4660,

The one that behaves badly (like a light) is like this:

“data”: {
“ieee”: “REDACTED”,
“nwk”: 8449,
“manufacturer”: “_TZ3000_okaz9tjs”,
“model”: “TS011F”,
“name”: “_TZ3000_okaz9tjs TS011F”,
“quirk_applied”: false,
“quirk_class”: “zigpy.device.Device”,
“quirk_id”: null,
“manufacturer_code”: 4660,

There is a difference that I cannot understand why. The “quirk” lines show different information that is associated with the device. The good device uses quirk information that I have not added to HA. I insist, the devices behave one well and the other badly, regardless of the server that is being used (village or city).

The question would be, is there any way to update the plug firmware?

Would Zigbee2MQTT be the solution?


Either modify the quirk and add as your custom quirk or submit a new device support request issue to the ZHA Device Handlers (zha-quirks) repository on GitHub:


Where can I manage the quirk? I haven’t added any quirk to my setup.

See and follow links in this cummunity guide → Zigbee Guide: How-to setup local custom device handler quirks in ZHA integration

Also read →

Plus for back-story also read →

Those in turn lead ZHA Device Handlers project repository on GitHub where can post requests / bugs :

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Thank you Hedda.