Samsung AC

hello do you put the code in esp?

I have also managed to get a token from this unit (2787).

Make sure you have Ubuntu 22.04. 3 LTS (no updates) installed
Then open a terminal and run the following commands:

sudo apt-get install node.js
sudo apt-get install npm

If you run node --tls-min-v1.0 and you don’t get an error saying that’s an invalid flag, your node version is probably ok.

Install this plugin by running npm install -g homebridge-plugin-samsung-air-conditioner

So I cd`` d into the directory that contains homebridge-samsung-ac-get-token (which i found out using which homebridge-samsung-ac-get-token)

In my case the path was: /usr/local/bin/homebridge-samsung-ac-get-token
Use now: cd /usr/local/bin/

Then use the following command to get the token. Note that AC must be off. In the terminal it will tell you when to turn it on to make the token visible.homebridge-samsung-ac-get-token AC IP ADDRESS --skipCertificate

Then it gives information about port, host, etc. and also indicates the following:

Power on the device within the next 30 seconds

So turn on your AC and you will receive your token

Source and credits to:

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Hi guys.

Anyone playing with the esphome_samsung_ac faced wrong CRCs?
I did not found any hints anywhere :frowning:

I have obviously the older nonNASA AC. I managed to connect to F1/F2 and temporarily powering the M5 with USB, not from RS485.

And when I plug the AC into power socket I start getting such lines.

[18:47:38][W][samsung_ac:175]: NonNASA: invalid crc - got 54 but should be 48: 32c800fd0035343200c8fe003634

I parsed the message according to and it seems to be relatively correct.
Length is fine, first and last byte are correct as well, etc.

But the checksum is really incorrect.
I computer manually and the the CRC required by the ESP is the one I computed as well. But obviously in the communication it is different.

Any ideas where to look, what to debug?

I’ve made a bit easier solution for everybody who has an older model (2878).

I have mocked up a script (with the use of ChatGPT using the js script from one of your sources) to get the token from an old version (2878) AC.

It can be used from a HA terminal like python3 .\ , just need to include in the same folder the ac14k_m.pem file.

The pem file is here.

For controlling the AC the following integration can be used (you can find it in HACS) once you have the token.

And this is the script to get the Token, just save it as

import socket
import ssl
import logging
import re
import argparse

class SamsungAirconditioner:
    def __init__(self, ip, logger):
        self.options = {'ip': ip}
        self.logger = logger
        self.token = None

    def get_token(self, callback):
        if not callable(callback):
            raise ValueError("callback is mandatory for get_token")
        # Setup SSL context with TLSv1 and AES256-SHA cipher
        context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)  # Force TLSv1
        # Load the certificate you trust (cert.pem)
        context.check_hostname = False  # Disable hostname verification for self-signed certs
        context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE  # Optional certificate verification (allow self-signed)

            with socket.create_connection((self.options['ip'], 2878)) as raw_socket:
                with context.wrap_socket(raw_socket, server_hostname=self.options['ip']) as tls_socket:
          'connected', {'ipaddr': self.options['ip'], 'port': 2878, 'tls': True})

                    # Receive loop to handle messages line-by-line
                    buffer = ""
                    while True:
                        data = tls_socket.recv(1024).decode('utf-8')
                        if not data:
                            if not self.token:
                                callback(Exception('premature eof'))

                        buffer += data
                        while '\n' in buffer:
                            line, buffer = buffer.split('\n', 1)
                            self.logger.debug('read: %s', line.strip())

                            # Handle specific responses
                            if line.strip() == 'DRC-1.00':
                            if line.strip() == '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Update Type="InvalidateAccount"/>':
                                tls_socket.sendall(b'<Request Type="GetToken" />\r\n')
                            if line.strip() == '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Response Type="GetToken" Status="Ready"/>':
                      'waiting for token - turn on the AC in the next 30 seconds')
                            if line.strip() == '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Response Status="Fail" Type="Authenticate" ErrorCode="301" />':
                                callback(Exception('Failed authentication'))

                            # Check for token in response
                            token_match ='Token="(.*?)"', line)
                            if token_match:
                                self.token =
                                callback(None, self.token)

                            # Handle status updates
                            if 'Update Type="Status"' in line:
                                state_match ='Attr ID="(.*?)" Value="(.*?)"', line)
                                if state_match:
                                    state = {}
                          'stateChange', state)

                            # Handle device state
                            if 'Response Type="DeviceState" Status="Okay"' in line:
                                state = {}
                                attributes = line.split("><")
                                for attr in attributes:
                                    attr_match ='Attr ID="(.*?)" Type=".*?" Value="(.*?)"', attr)
                                    if attr_match:
                                        state[] =
                      'stateChange', state)

        except (socket.error, ssl.SSLError) as e:
            if not self.token:

# Set up a basic logger
logger = logging.getLogger('SamsungAirconditioner')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

# Define the callback function to handle the response from get_token
def token_callback(error, token=None):
    if error:
        print("Error: {}".format(error))
        print("Retrieved token: {}".format(token))

# Set up argument parser for command-line input
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Samsung Air Conditioner Token Retrieval")
parser.add_argument('ip', type=str, help='IP address of the Samsung Air Conditioner')
args = parser.parse_args()

# Create an instance of the SamsungAirconditioner class with the provided IP
aircon = SamsungAirconditioner(ip=args.ip, logger=logger)

# Call the get_token method, passing the token_callback function

@wifi75, @MatAlpi, @sebdoan, @peterbuga, @ventudan