SBFspot Bluetooth homeassistant addon

I’m absolutely sure using the right password and have no more idea what ton change. The BT quality seems good enough with >70%.

Today all my further connection trials failed. Maybe something changed with last update?

Do you have “quotes” wrapping the password?

The addon is particularly troublesome with “quote mark” as the text is converted from HA to the addon and then to the SBFspot config file. Especially when swapping from UI config mode to YAML config mode.

The password should be showing as “password” in the YAML config

I doubt the update of HA will be the problem, but I haven’t updated yet to confirm.

Thank you @HasQT for your message.
Interesting. As shown in my config.yaml above (Post #359) some of the options are in quote marks, some not.
But all of the passwords are not quoted.
Example with password “TestPW”

Way 1 via GUI: I type TestPW in the password field and when I switch to yaml I also see TestPW without quotes.

Way 2 via yaml: I type “TestPW” with quotes in yaml => click SAVE => quotes dissapear

At my Tests 2-3 ago with successfull connections I used the same password also without quotes.

Yeah the quotes can be annoying, that was why I swapped to using secrets.

This is how my config looks in yaml mode. I have my details in secrets, which means I can also uninstall/reinstall the addon easily on my test machine etc…

All my secret file text is “quote wrapped” like this

Homeassistant needs a restart after adding text to secrets.

BTAddress: "00:80:34:2A:C6:48"
Connection_Type: Bluetooth
Sensors_HA: "No"
BTAddress: "!secret BTAddress"
Password: "!secret SBFpassword"
LocalBTAddress: "!secret LocalBTAddress"
Plantname: "!secret SBFplantname"
Latitude: "!secret home_lat"
Longitude: "!secret home_long"
Timezone: "!secret Timezone"
DateTimeFormat: "'%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%y'"
SQL_Password: "!secret mariadb_pw"
MQTT_User: "!secret mqtt_user"
MQTT_Pass: "!secret mqtt_pass"
MQTT_Topic: homeassistant/sbfspot_{plantname}/sbfspot_{serial}
MQTT_Data: >-
PVoutput_SID: "!secret pvoSID"
PVoutput_Key: "!secret pvoAPIkey"
LogLevel: info

FYI just tried using the addon on HAOS 2025.1.1 and it worked without issue.

Tried that. Made no difference. I get no connection to the inverter, whatever I try.

With SBFspot @ Windows on my laptop (near my RP4 with HA) it just takes about 3 seconds to connect, get all wanted values, and disconnect again.

No connection (10\10 attempts fail) or logon failure?

You don’t have complicated password with special characters in it? That trips up the config too.

If it’s logon failure, and you are using secrets, just uninstall\reinstall the addon. That should clear config errors that remain.

The addon runs the same SBFspot as what is running on your PC. The results should be similar.

You can login to the addon and double check your SBFspot.cfg file being written correctly using the terminal (the community one, not the official one)

The command is.

docker exec -it addon_a51a23d8_haos-sbfspot /bin/bash

nano SBFspot.cfg

Both. I had this several times today with one, two or three connection attempts:

Connecting to 00:80:25:1E:78:59 (1/10)
Connecting to 00:80:25:1E:78:59 (2/10)
Connecting to 00:80:25:1E:78:59 (3/10)
SUSyID: 125 - SessionID: 856275878
SMA netID=01
Thu Jan  9 14:45:34 2025: CRITICAL: Failed to initialise communication with inverter.`

I also deactivated my internal BT or my external BT and removed my external BT. Made no difference.

No. Easy Password. And it already worked sometimes. And works with the windows version.

Tried that. Wasn’t better.

How to do that without Docker? I have HAOS on a RP4 (and 2 terminal addons).

That’s command for HAOS on rpi4 using Advanced SSH & Web Terminal.
You can run SBFspot directly from the terminal after that command.
HAOS runs on docker(a fairly locked down version). Addons are just docker containers configured to work with HA supervisor.

This is a different error. I think that might be a Bluetooth problem. Perhaps when you removed the BT dongle. These are SBFspot errors though, they don’t come from the addon.

I have done a lot more testing in the meantime and it has cost me a lot of nerves. Most of the time it didn’t work and it wasn’t because of the settings. I tried everything there too…
Then I moved my Home Assistant to a Proxmox VM on a thin client. No change. However, I continued to use the existing external Bluetooth stick. After that didn’t work either, I tried using a different Bluetooth stick. And that was the solution. It works great with the other stick. Thank you @HasQT for your support!