Scene not saving values - bug?

Hi all,

i have very many scenes. All of them are working but suddenly not ALL anymore - all that belong to 4 lamps are not working anymore. Meaning they work - but they loose there value for color - so color is not changed between scenes.

The lamps are all hue lamps. did not change anything with the lamps or scenes, the colors work in every way. Only in Scenes not.
the lamp-type (standard E27 and G10)- that has the problem - other lamps of the same type work well in various other scenes.

The scenes yaml is correctly differing the scenes. Only the editor is not doing it - inconsistent to yaml!! And the execution of the scenes seem to fulfill the ui-version - not the yaml version…

what I tried:

  • reattach the lamps completely with hue app.
  • recreate the scenes
  • create new scenes
  • restarts of everything

→ what the heck is going on with scenes???

Hi ptrrtpptr,

I believe there has been a change to Scenes recently.
Scenes not properly saving color state.

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Thx! Will follow the other new thread.