Scene whit history status

How you have set up scene like this:

I have door sensor and radiator valve.

I want that when door sensor send open signal that set radiator temperature to 4 degrece. I can make scene like this. But next step is hard.

When door/windows sensor send signal “close” set temperature like it was before singnal to set to 4 degrese?

Sure, with automations rather than scenes

You’ll want to store the old temperature in an input_number and use that in your second automation, using templating.

Do you maybe have some example? It will be in big help with creating this automation.

I don’t have any climate devices, so it’s hard without knowing whether the temperature is a state, or an attribute, or something else… :man_shrugging:

if you can provide details, I’m sure I can help

look here

I have now like this:

  • [script.1572810031999] This is script that turn off heating
  • [sensor.temperature3] This is set temperature
  • [input_number.test1] I will use this backup
  • [climate.stenaspalnica] I want call back temperature on this climate

I can not make script or autmation like this. When scipt [script.1572810031999] start then overwrite [input_number.test1] with valute of [sensor.temperature3]

Is this even possible?